Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/703

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56 STAT.] ECUADOR-EXPERIMENT STATION-OCT. 20, 29, 1942 and the Government of Ecuador shall permit the continued use of the land by the experiment station free of charge. The land shall in- clude a minimum of 500 hectares for the central station, and at least three other parcels with a mini- mum of 50 hectares each which shall be representative of various natural land division. 3. The Ecuadoran Government will also supply the funds neces- sary for, (a) the preparation, printing and distribution of four types of publications to be issued by the station, as follows: (1) A popular Spanish periodi- cal written for the farm family and containing ar- ticles by the staff and other qualified persons on such subjects as health, hygiene, community organization, in- formation on the Pacific region, aims of the experi- ment station, treatment of agricultural practices and methodology, (2) farm circulars written in Spanish and issued as re- quired, dealing with specific farm practices or products, (3) technical bulletins in Eng- lish or Spanish dealing with the results of specific scien- tific investigation at the station, and (4) an annual report in Spanish, covering the work of the station performed during the year, and the status of agriculture in the region; (b) the services of at least one Ecuadoran scientist to cooperate with each scientist detailed to the toriana de Fomento, y el Gobierno del Ecuador permitiran el uso pro- longado de las tierras por la Esta- ci6n Experimental libre de cobro. Las tierras incluiran un minimo de quinientos de hectareas para la Estaci6n Central y por lo menos otras tres parcelas de al menos cincuenta hectareas cada una re- presentativa de las diferentes divi- siones naturales de las tierras del Ecuador. 3. El Gobierno del Ecuador of pubicator issan suministrara los fondos necesarios para, (a) la preparaci6n, impre- si6n y distribuci6n de cuatro clases de publicaciones que emitira la Estaci6n, como sigue: (1) Una revista popular en es- pafiol escrita para la familia agricola y conteniendo ar- ticulos escritos por el per- sonal y otras personas pre- paradas sobre los temas de sanidad, higiene, organiza- ci6n de la comunidad, in- formes sobre la regi6n del Pacffico, los fines de la Es- taci6n Experimental, trato de practicas y metodos agri- colas; (2) circulares agricolas escritos en espafiol y que se emitiran segun se necesiten, que tra- ten de m6todos y productos agricolas precisos; (3) boletines tecnicos en ingls y espafiol tratando de los resultados de especificas in- vestigaciones cientificas en la Estaci6n; y (4) un informe anual en espa- fiol describiendo el trabajo llevado a cabo durante eI afio, y el estado agricola en la regi6n; (b) los servicios de al menos un Po-"L cientifico ecuatoriano que co- opere con cada cientifico designado 1789