Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/706

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. doran and North American mem- residencias para el personal ecua- bers of the staff. toriano y norteamericano. Joint commission. Maximum obliga- tions. United States. Ecuador. Ecuadoran Corpo- ration. Furnishing of sup- plies by U. S., con- dition. 7. The Government of the United States of America, the Government of Ecuador and the Ecuadoran Development Corpora- tion mutually agree: (a) that in order to provide joint supervision over the cooperative aspects of the project and in order to furnish a ready means for consultation between the two Governments and the Corporation in regard thereto, there shall be established a commission of three members composed of one representative of each of the two Governments and the Ecuadoran Development Corporation; that the commission, subject to the approval of the Ecuadoran Government will have authority to establish the qualifi- cations and propose candidates for positions at the station; that the commission may delegate to the director of the station such of its functions as it may deem fit; (b) that, exclusive of salaries of the scientists made available to the station by the United States Department of Agricul- ture, the obligations of the United States Governmenlt shall not ex- ceed $50,000 the first year, nor more than $25,000 in any one fiscal year thereafter; (c) that, exclusive of numbered paragraph 2, the obligations assumed by the Government of Ecuador shall not exceed $25,000 in any one fiscal year; (d) the obligations of the Ecuadoran Corporation shall not exceed $100,000 the first year nor more than $50,000 in any one fiscal year thereafter; and (e) that the obligation of the United States to furnish the supplies listed under subtitles (b) and (c) of paragraph 6 shall be contingent 7. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobierno del Ecuador y la Corporaci6n Ecuatoriana de Fomento mutua- mente convienen: (a) que para suplir a la supervisi6n comun de los aspectos cooperatives del pro- yecto y con el prop6sito de facilitar los medios de consulta entre los dos Gobiernos y la Corporaci6n con respecto a este asunto, sera nombrada una Comisi6n compues- ta de un representante de cada uno de los dos Gobiernos y de la Corporaci6n Ecuatoriana de Fo- mento, cuya Comisi6n, sujeta a la aprobaci6n del Gobierno del Ecuador, tendri autoridad de for- mular los requisites de los candida- tos y proponerlos para empleos en la Estaci6n; que la Comisi6n podra delegar al Director de la Estaci6n las funciones que crea conveniente; (b) que, exclusos los sueldos de los cientificos destina- dos a la Estaci6n por el Departa- mento de Agricultura de los Esta- dos Unidos, las obligaciones del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos no excedcnin de cinclllnta Ilil d1lares l prilmer afio, ni nmaLs dc veinte y cinco mil d6lares en cualq(lier ano fiscal posterior; (c) que las obligacioncs del Gobierno del Ecuador, exceptuando las asumidas bajo el parrafo 2, no exceder&n de veinte y cinco mil d6lares en cualquier afio fiscal; (d) las obligaciones de la Corporaci6n Ecuatoriana de Fomento no ex- cederan de cien mil d6lares el primer afio, y no mas de cincuenta mil d6lares en cualquier afio fiscal posterior; y (e) que la obligaci6n del Gobierno de los Estados Uni- dos de suministrar los implemen- tos enumerados en los subtitulos 1792