Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/170

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57 STAT.] MEXICO-CONSULAR OFFICERS-AUG. 12 , 1942 tional, State, Provincial and Mu- nicipal, including taxes on fees, wages or salaries received specifi- cally in compensation for con- sular services, and they shall be exempt from all kinds of charges incident to the licensing, registra- tion, use or circulation of vehicles. However, they shall not be exempt from taxes levied on account of the possession or ownership of im- movable property situated within the territory of the State in which they exercise their functions or taxes levied against income de- rived from property of any kind situated within such territory or belonging thereto. 2. -T he exemptions provided in paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply equally to other officials who are duly appointed by one of the High Contracting Parties to exercise official functions in the territory of the other High Con- tracting Party, provided that such officials shall be nationals of the State appointing them and shall not be engaged in any private occupation for gain within the territory of the State in which they exercise their functions; and pro- vided further that permission for them to exercise such official func- tions has been duly granted by the Government of the receiving State. The Government of the State ap- pointing such officials shall com- municate to the Government of the receiving State satisfactory evidence of the appointment and shall indicate the character of the services which will be performed by the officials to whom the ex- emptions are intended to apply. tatales, provinciales y municipales, inclusive impuestos sobre honora- rios, sueldos o emolumentos reci- bidos especificamente como com- pensaci6n de servicios consulares; y estaran exentos de cualquiera clase de cobros por concepto de licencia, registro, uso o circulaci6n de vehiculos. Sinembargo, no es- tafan exentos de impuestos causa- dos por la posesi6n o propiedad de bienes inmuebles situados dentro del territorio del Estado en el cual desempefian sus funciones ni tam- poco de aqu6llos que gravan los ingresos provenientes de toda clase de propiedades situadas dentro de dicho territorio o correspondientes a 61. 2. -Las exenciones que dispone el parrafo 1 de este articulo seran igualmente aplicadas a los otros funcionarios que sean debidamente nombrados por una de las Altas Partes Contratantes para des- empefiar funciones oficiales en el territorio de la otra Alta Parte Contratante, siempre que tales funcionarios sean nacionales del Estado que los nombre y no se dediquen a ocupaci6n privada lucrativa alglina dentro del terri- torio del Estado en el que ejerzan sus funciones; y a condici6n, ademas, de que el Gobierno del Estado que los reciba les haya otorgado en forma debida el per- miso para desempefiar tales fun- ciones oficiales. El Gobierno del Estado que nombre tales funcio- narios, comunicara al Gobierno que los reciba las pruebas satis- factorias de su nombramiento e indicara el caracter de los servicios que habran de prestar los funcio- narios a quienes deberan aplicarse las exenciones. 81077° -44 -PT. II---11 Exemptions extend- ed to other officials; conditions. 805