Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/173

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TREATIES to which the official seal is affixed. When consular officers are engaged in business within the territory of the State in which they exercise their functions, the files and docu- ments of the consulate shall be kept in a place entirely separate from the place where private or business papers are kept. Consu- lar offices shall not be used as places of asylum. No consular officers shall be required to pro- duce official archives in court or to testify as to their contents. ARTICLE VI. en dichos locales o archivos, o que esten amparados con el sello ofi- cial. Cuando los funcionarios con- sulares se dediquen a algdn nego- cio en el territorio del Estado dentro del cual desempefen sus funciones, los archivos y docu- mentos del Consulado serAn guar- dados en un lugar enteramente aparte del lugar en donde se guar- den documentos privados o refe- rentes al negocio. Las oficinas con- sulares no se emplearan para dar asilo. A ningin funcionario con- sular se le obligara a exhibir archi- vos oficiales en un Tribunal, ni a declarar acerca del contenido de los mismos. ARTICULO VI. 1. - Consular officers of either High Contracting Party may, within their respective consular districts, address the authorities, National, State, Provincial or Municipal, for the purpose of pro- tecting the nationals of the State by which they were appointed in the enjoyment of rights accruing by treaty or otherwise. Com- plaint may be made for the infrac- tion of those rights. Failure upon the part of the proper authorities to grant redress or to accord pro- tection may justify interposition through the diplomatic channel, and in the absence of a diplomatic representative, a consul general or the consular officer stationed at the capital may apply directly to the Government of the country. 2. -Consular officers shall,within their respective consular districts, have the right: 1.- Los Funcionarios Consulares de cualquiera de las dos Altas Partes Contratantes, dentro de sus distritos consulares respec- tivos, podran dirigirse a las auto- ridades, ya sean nacionales, es- tatales, provinciales o munici- pales, con el objeto de proteger a los nacionales del Estado que los haya nombrado, en el goce de derechos que puedan ser funda- dos en Tratado o de otra manera. Se podran presentar quejas con motivo de la infracci6n de dichos derechos. La omisi6n, por parte de las autoridades competentes, de otorgar satisfacci6n o protec- ci6n, podra justificar la interven- ci6n diplomatica y, en ausencia de un representante diplomatico, un C6nsul General o el funciona- rio consular residente en la capital podran dirigirse directamente al Gobierno del pais. 2. -Los Funcionarios Consula- res, dentro de sus distritos con- sulares respectivos, tendran de- recho a: Protection of nationals. 808 [57 STAT.