Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/185

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and, in Spanish: "La expresi6n, 'contencioso-administrativos' abarca los casos de controversia ante un 6rgano administrativo del Estado, distinto de los del Poder Judicial, que est6 investido de funciones judiciales de acuerdo con las respectivas Leyes Administrativas". As Your Excellency is good enough to request, I have the honor to confirm to you that for the Government of Mexico the above-men- tioned expression has the meaning and extent expressed in the note to which I have the honor to reply. I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. E. PADILLA His Excellency GEORGE S. MESSERSMITH, Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, City. The Mexican Minister of Foreign Relations to the American Ambassador SECRETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS MEXICO 56586 MEXIco, D.F ., 12 de agosto de 1942. SENOR EMBAJADOR: Con referencia a la Convenci6n Consular suscrita, el dia de hoy, entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos de America, por medio de la presente Nota tengo la honra de comunicar a Vuestra Excelencia que mi (obierno estA de acuerdo en que las disposiciones de la misma no se apliquen a la Zona del Canal de Panama. Aprovecho esta oportunidad para reiterar a Vuestra Excelencia las seguridades de mi mas alta y distinguida consideraci6n. E. PADILLA Excelentisimo Sefior GEORGE S. MESSERSMITH, Embajador Extraordinarioy Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de America. Presente. [Translationl MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED MEXICAN STATES MEXICO CITY 56586 MEXIco, D.F., August 12, 1942. MR. AMBASSADOR: With reference to the Consular Convention, signed today, between Mexico and the United States of America, I have the honor to com- municate to Your Excellency by this note that my Government is in agreement that the provisions thereof do not apply to the Panama Canal Zone. 820 TREATIES [57 STAT.