Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/187

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signed at Mexico City on August 12, 1942, is understood to include, in addition to duly commissioned and approved con- sular officers, all persons who are associated with and assist such officers in the necessary and proper conduct of the consular offices, and who are appointed or employed upon a permanent status by, and receive their compensation for consular services from, the Government in whose consular offices they are employed, subject to such exceptions or limitations as may be provided in the convention. Ant, p. 806 "The expression 'suites' as used in Article IV of the consular convention between the United States of America and the United Mexican States, signed at Mexico City on August 12, 1942, is understood to include (1) persons to whom the expression 'em- ployees in a consulate' in Article III applies, and (2) persons in the suites or retinues of attendants in the proper personal serv- ice of consular officers or their families. "It is understood that, in the case of the extension, to persons in the suites or retinues of attendants in the proper personal serv- ice of consular officers or their families as well as to persons to Ante, p. 804 . whom the expression 'employees in a consulate' in Article III applies, of the privileges of entry free of duty of their baggage and all other personal property whether accompanying such per- sons to a consular post or imported at any time during their stay at such post, such importations as may be made under this priv- ilege shall be in the name of, or under the supervision of the con- sular officer concerned". If the above interpretation is agreeable to Your Excellency's Gov- ernment, it will be appreciated if the acceptance thereof may be con- firmed by Note. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my most distinguished consideration. GEORGE S. MESSERSMITH His Excellency Seflor Licenciado EZEQUIEL PADILLA, Ministerfor Foreign Affairs, Mexico, D.F. The Mexican Minister of ForeignRelations to the American Ambassador SECRETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS MEXICO 510040 MEXIco, 12 de diciembre de 1942. SEROR EMBAJADOR: Tengo la honra de acusar recibo a Vuestra Excelencia de su muy atenta nota nfmero 853, del 11 del actual, relativa a la interpretaci6n que-en su opini6n-debe darse a la palabra "s6quito" empleada en la Convenci6n Consular del 12 de agosto de 1942. He tornado nota de que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America estA de acuerdo en que, en el caso de importaciones hechas 822 TREATIES [57 STAT.