Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/364

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. May21, 1943 Agreement between the United States of America and El Salvador [E. A. S. 328] respecting the detail of a military officer to serve as Director of the MilitarySchool and of the Military Academy of El Salvador. Signed at San Salvador May 21, 1943; effective May 21, 1943. URBINA-THURSTON CONTRACT CONTRATO URBINA-THURSTON MANUEL URBINA MENJIVAR, Lieutenant Colonel of the Army, Superior Official of the Ministry of National Defense, duly author- ized and in representation of the Supreme Government of the Re- public of El Salvador, according to the Order of the Executive Power No. 203, dated April twenty-ninth of this year, pub- lished in the Diario Oficial No. 93, Volume 134, dated the first of this month, on one part, and His Excellency Walter Thurston, Am- bassador Extraordinary and Pleni- potentiary of the United States of America, duly authorized and in representation of his Government, on the other, agree to conclude the following contract: -I- The Government of the United States of America places at the disposal of the Government of El Salvador the technical and profes- sional services of an officer of the Army of the former nation to serve as Director of the Military School and of the annexed Military Academy of El Salvador. - II- oDesgnati ofByeLt The Government of the United U. S. Army. States, in accordance with the preceding clause, has designated for Director of the Military School and annexed Military Academy of this country, Lieutenant Colonel MANUEL URBINA MENJIVAR, Teniente Coronel del Ejercito, Oficial Mayor del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, debidamente autorizado y en representaci6n del Supremo Gobierno de la Republica de El Salvador, segun Acuerdo del Poder Ejecutivo No 203, de fecha veintinueve de abril del corriente afio, publicado en el Diario Oficial N° 93, Tomo 134, de fecha primero del presente mes, por una parte, y el Excelentisimo sefior don Walter Thurston, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de America, competentemente autorizado y en representaci6n de su Gobierno, por la otra, convienen en celebrar el siguiente Contrato: -I - El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America pone a la dis- posici6n del Gobierno de El Salva- dor, los servicios tecnicos y pro- fesionales de un oficial del Ejercito de aquella naci6n, para que sirva como Director de la Escuela Mili- tar y de la Academia Militar anexa de El Salvador. - II- El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, de acuerdo con la clausula anterior, ha designado para el cargo de Director de la Escuela Militar y Academia Militar anexa de este pais, al sefior Teniente 1000