Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/422

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. TITLE II Requisites and Conditions Disciplinary regula- ARTICLE 8. The officer shall be ions. governed by the disciplinary reg- ulations of the United States Army. Responsibility. ARTICLE 9. The officer shall be responsible directly and solely to the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Ecuador. Employment of per- nnel of other foreign ARTICLE 10. During the period overnments, restric- the officer is detailed under this Agreement or any extension there- of, the Government of the Repub- lic of Ecuador shall not engage the services of any personnel of any other foreign government for the duties and purposes contem- plated by this Agreement. Secrecy require- ment. Benefits. " Family. " Annual leave. ARTICLE 11. The officer shall not divulge nor by any means dis- close to any foreign government or to any person whatsoever any secret or confidential matter of which he may become cognizant as a natural consequence of his functions, or in any other way, it being understood that this requi- site honorably continues even after the expiration orcancellation of the present Agreement or extension thereof. ARTICLE 12. During the entire duration of this Agreement, the officer shall be entitled to the benefits which the Regulations of the Ecuadoran Army provide for officers of his rank in the Ecua- doran Army. ARTICLE 13. Throughout this Agreement the term "family" of the officer is limited to mean wife and dependent children. ARTICLE 14. The officer shall be entitled to one month's annual leave with pay, or to a propor- ti TfTULO II Requisitos y Condiciones ARTICULO 8. El oficial se regira por los reglamentos de disciplina del Ej6rcito de los Estados Unidos. ARTfCULO 9. El oficial sera sola y directamente responsable ante el Ministro de Defensa Nacional de la Repdblica del Ecuador. ARTfCULO 10. Durante el peri- odo en que el oficial preste servi- cios de conformidad con este Acuerdo o cualquiera pr6rroga del mismo, el Gobierno de la Repdblica del Ecuador no emplea- ra los servicios del personal de ningun otro gobierno extranjero para los deberes y prop6sitos de que trata este Acuerdo. ARTfCULO 11. El oficial no di- vulgara, ni por ning6n medio re- velari a gobierno extranjero al- guno, o a persona alguna, ningun secreto o asunto confidencial que pueda llegar a su conocimiento, ya sea como consecuencia natural de sus funciones o en cualquiera otra forma, entendiendose que conti- nuara respetandose este requisito aun despu6s de la expiraci6n o cancelaci6n del presente Acuerdo o de cualquiera pr6rroga del mismo. ARTfCULO 12. Durante toda la vigencia de este Acuerdo, el oficial tendra derecho a los beneficios que los Reglamentos del Ejercito ecua- toriano otorgan a los oficiales de su grado en el Ej rcito ecuatoriano. ARTfCULO 13. En todo este Acuerdo se entendera que el t6r- mino "familia" del oficial s61o com- prende a la esposa y a los hijos no emancipados. ARTfCULo 14. El oficial tendra derecho anualmente a un mes de licencia con goce de sueldo, o a g ti 1058