Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/783

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57 STAT.] CANADA-CANOL PROJECT WELLS- - Dec 2811942 1419 Jan. 13, 1943 during the war to drill through contract with one or more companies either Canadian or American, to develop through contract with one or more Canadian companies, and to make use of any petroleum sources that may be discovered, subject to Canadian regulations governing such operations and to the further understanding that operations would be subject to the provisions of our exchange of notes of June 27 and June 29 above referred to, insofar as such provisions are not inconsistent with the provisions of this note and are capable, with necessary adaptations and modifications, of being applied to such operations. My Government will of course keep the Canadian Gov- ernment fully informed of any future plans for carrying out these operations. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. For the Minister: LEWIS CLARK The Right Honorable Second Secretary of Legation. The SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, Ottawa. The CanadianSecretary of State for External Affairs to the American Minister DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS CANADA No. 2 OTTAWA, January13, 1943. SIR, I have the honour to inform you that the Canadian (Goverinenit accepts the proposals set forth in your note of D)ecember '2, 1942, No. 818, concerning the drilling of exploratory oil wells in the Northwest Territories. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. N A ROBERTSON for Secretary of State for External Affairs. The UNITED STATES MINISTER TO CANADA, The Legation of the United States of America, OTTAWA, Canada.