Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1061

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Stockyards Act. See Packers and Stock- Page yards Act. Stowaways: Aircraft, punishment ---- ---------- _ 111 Vessels, punishment ---------- __ --- _ 188 Strategic and Critical Materials. See also Mines, Bureau of, under Interior, De- partment of the. Alumina, appropriation for production of--------------------------- 497 Bauxite and alunite ores and aluminum clay deposits, appropriation for investigation of------------------ 497 Helium- Plants, appropriation for construc- tion and equipment---------- . 497 Procurement, appropriation for-_ _ 312, 583 Production and investigations, trans- fer of funds------------------- 499 Transportation of workers and school children ------------ --------- 499 Iron ores, appropriation for tests on gaseous and solid-fuel reduction of 496 Magnesium pilot plants and research, appropriation for---------------- 498 Manganese beneficiation pilot plants and research, appropriation for - - 497 Maximum necessary production, con- trol of------------------------- 634 Mineral resources and facilities, appro- priation for protection of--------- 494 Minerals- Critical and essential, appropriation for investigation of deposits of__ 498 Excess profits tax exemption in con- nection with mining of certain_ 55 Scientific and economic investiga- tions, appropriation for--------- 491 Steel production, investigation of raw- material resources--------------- 496 Surplus property, stock piling ----- .--. 776 Synthetic liquid fuel demonstration plants, construction and operation authorized --------------------- 190 Appropriation authorized----------- 191 Appropriation for------------------ 494 Transportation of workers and school children--------------------- 495 Waste metals, appropriation for devel- opment of processes for recovery of 499 Strategic Highway Network, appropria- tion for ---_ --- --- ---- --- ---- --- 371 Strategic Services, Office of: Appropriation for------------------- 534 Damage claims-------------------- 614 Interdepartmental procurement, exemp- tion from general provision------ 546 Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for-- -------------------- 873 Streams, Gaging of: Page Appropriation for---------------- 492, 865 Investigations, transfer of funds for - - 490 Submarginal Land, appropriation for re- tirement of--------------------- 168, 452 Subsidies, restrictions on use of funds for payment of ----- _.---_ 579, 601, 629, 635 Success Reservoir, flood-control project authorized ------------ _--------_ 901 Sugar Act of 1937: Amendments- Philippine Islands, payments to, time extension------------. - - - 284 Powers under, time extension ------ 283 Appropriation to effect provisions of.. -- 453 Indebtedness under, cancelation or adjustment of ---------------- _ 836 Taxes under, time extension -------- _ 284 Sugar Beets, crop insurance authorized_ - 918 Sugar Cane, crop insurance authorized--- 918 Sugar Council, International: Appropriation for share of expenses---- 430 Expenditures authorized------------ 741 Sugar-Plant Investigations, appropria- tion for ------------

437 Sulphur Mines, income tax, percentage depletion----------------------- 44 Sun River Project, Mont., appropriation for ----------------------- 865 Superintendent of Documents, Office of, appropriation for------------- 164, 353 Supplemental Appropriation Acts. See also Deficiency Appropriation Acts. Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1945, First -------------------------- 853 Agriculture, Department of, appro- priation for ------------------. 861, 875 Alien Property Custodian- Appropriation for--------------. 873 Funds available--.--------------- 855 American Battle Monuments Com- mission- Appropriation for---------------- 874 Travel expenses, funds available for- 855 American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas, appro- priation for--------------------- 874 Architect of the Capitol, appropriation for---------------------- 873 Audited claims, appropriation for -- - 861, 878 Botanic Garden, appropriation for----- 873 Budget, Bureau of the, appropriation for------------------------ 854, 873 Censorship, Office of, appropriation for- 873 Civil Service Commission, appropriation for --- -

- -- -- 855, 874 Civilian Defense, Office of, appropria- tion for--------------------- 873 Coast Guard, appropriation for------- 868 93650-45 -- -PT . --- 66 INDEX CIX