Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/276

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TREATIES POR COSTA RICA: (F) CARLOS MANUEL ESCALANTE POR NICARAGUA: (F) GUILLERMO SEVILLA SACASA POR PANAMA: (F) ENiIQUE A. JIMENEZ FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: (8) CORDELL HULL POR CUBA: (F) AURELIO F. CONCHESO POR ECUADOR: (F) C. E . ALFABO 15 de enero de 1944 15 de enero de 1944 15 de enero de 1944 January 15, 1944 20 de enero de 1944 20 de enero de 1944 I hereby certify that the foregoing document is a true and faithful copy of the original, with the signatures affixed thereto up to the present date, of the Convention on the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, deposited in the Pan American Union and opened for signature by the Amer- ican Republics on January 15, 1944. WASHINGTON, D . C . , JanuaryB7, 1944 [SEAL] PEDRO DE ALBA Secretary of the Governing Board of the Pan American Union 1194 [58 STAT. (SELLO) (SELLO) (SELLO) (SEAL) (SELLO) (SELLO)