Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/503

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58 STAT.] BRAZIL-DETAIL OF NAVAL OFFICER-SEPT. 29, 1944 ARTICLE 25. The Government of the United States of Brazil shall provide suitable medical attention for the officer and his family. In case the officer or any member of his family becomes ill or suffers injury, he or she shall be placed in such hospital as the officer deems suitable after consultation with the Minister of Transportation of the United States of Brazil. The officer shall in all cases pay the cost of subsistence incident to his hospitalization or that of a mem- ber of his family. ARTICLE 26. If the officer or any member of his family should die in the United States of Brazil during the period while this Agreement is in effect, the Government of the United States of Brazil shall have the body transported to such place in the United States of America as the family may decide, but the cost to the Government of the United States of Brazil shall not exceed the cost of transporting the remains from the place of decease to New York City. Should the deceased be the officer, his services shall be considered to lhae termli- nated( fifteil (15) (das after his death. Retutrn tranlsporrtation to the Unitedl Statcs of America for the family of the deceased officer and for their household effects, baggage and automobile shall be provided as prescribed in Article 18. All compensation due the de- ceased officer and reimbursement due the deceased officer for ex- penses and transportation on offi- cial business of the Government of the United States of Brazil shall be paid to the widow of the officer, or to any other person who may have been designated in writing by the officer, provided such widow or other person shall not be compen- ARTIGO 25. O Governo dos Es- tados Unidos do Brasil fornecera ao oficial e sua familia tratamento medico adequado. No caso de o oficial ou qualquer membro de sua familia adoecer ou ser ferido, o paciente, ap6s consulta com o Ministro da Viaqao dos Estados Unidos do Brasil, sera internado num hospital considerado satisfa- t6rio pelo oficial. O oficial em todos os casos pagara as despesas de subsistencia relacionadas corn sua hospitalizaqao ou a de um membro de sua familia. ARTIGO 26. Em caso de faleci- mento do oficial ou de qualquer membro de sua familia nos Es- tados Unidos do Brasil durante a vigencia do presente Contrato, o Govrno dos Estados Unidos do Brasil mandara transportar os res- tos a qualquer ponto, nos Estados Unidos da America, que a familia do extinto designar; entretanto, a despesa que correra por conta do Govrno dos Estados Unidos do Brasil nao excedera a parte equi- valente ao transporte dos restos do lugar de falecilunto ('ci(ldde de Nova York. Se o extiito for o p-r6prio oficial, sells serviaos serao considerados tennilnados qulizo (15) dias depois do faleci- inento. O transporte da famllin do oficial falecido e de seus m6veis, objetos domesticos, autonl6vel e bagagem aos Estados Unidos da Am6rica sera pago de ac6rdo cor o artigo 18. As remuneraqces e reembolsos devidos ao oficial fale- cido por conta de despesas e viagens em missao oficial do Go- verno dos Estados Unidos do Brasil serao pagos a viuva do oficial, ou A qualquer outra pessoa por ele designada por escrito, mas nao sera paga a viuva ou A pessoa designada qualquer Medical attentmn. Transportation of remains in can of death. Compensation du* deceased oficr. 1423