Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/736

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XXXIX Federal Bureau of Investigation. See Page under Justice, Department of. Federal Caustic Poison Act, appropriation for enforcement --------------. --. 366 Federal Communications Commission: Appropriation for ----- _--- --- --- - 110, 635 Inspectors, overtime services, Sunday or holiday work, payment for-__ ____ 302 National-defense activities, appropria- tion for ------------------------ 110 Termination of availability --------- 110 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for_ 110 Printing and binding, appropriation for--------------------------- 110 Reorganization, restriction on type of plan ----- _. ....---- __------- Federal Credit Union Act, administration by Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo- ration, appropriation for -__ -- - - - - Federal Crop Insurance Act, appropriation 616 111 for expenses under ------------ --- 155 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation: Audit and annual budget program _ - 598, 599 Subscriptions to capital stock, appro- priation for-------------------- 90 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations ------ 58, 60 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: Appropriation for------------------- 110 Audit of financial transactions, report, etc- ---------------------- 600 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for__ 111 Reorganization, restriction on type of plan ----- ------------------- 616 Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945------ 295 Administration of, appropriation for--- 419 Aggregate compensation, limitations on reductions and increases in ------ 302 Appropriation authorized ---------- 306 Basic rates of compensation, increase in_ 300 Rates not under Classification Act of 1923, increase in------------ 302 Classes of positions within grades, estab- lishment of rates for------------- 298 Report to Congress --------------- 299 Classification Act of 1923, Amendments. See separate title. Compensatory time off for irregular or occasional overtime work--------- 297 Coverage ---------------------- 295 Effective date - ----.- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 306 Exemptions---------------------- 296 Holiday work, compensation, effective date ----.-- --- ---- ---- ---- --- 298 Hours of labor in executive departments, repeal of designated provisions---- 303 Inspectional groups, existing laws affect- ing certain, effect on ----------- 302 Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945-Con. Judicial branch employees- Basic rates of compensation, increase in.....---------------.----_ - Overtime, temporary additional com- pensation in lieu of ----------- Legislative branch employees- Architect of the Capitol, Office of, overtime compensation ---. ... Basic rates of compensation, increase in ------------------- __- Overtime, temporary additional com- pensation in lieu of -- ---- -- Night pay differential ----.-- ---- -- Overtime compensation _ -- -- -- -- Overtime work, irregular or occasional, compensatory time off for ------ Pay computation methods---------- Personnel ceilings -___ -- -_- -- -- -- -- - Reports to- Budget, Bureau of------------- Congress----------------------- Regulations, authority of Civil Service Commission to issue -.. -- .. --- - Rewards for superior accomplishment, authorization, limitations, etc--- Report to Civil Service Commission_ Saturday half-holiday law, repeal------ Vessel employees----------------- Veterans laws and regulations, exemp- tion for purposes of------------- Wage-board employees, overtime pay-- Within-grade salary advancements, periodic _------------------- Armed forces, employees leaving to join, etc------------------- War service, employees in--------- Workweek, basic, establishment of --- Federal Expenditures, Nonessential, Joint Committee on, appropriation for --- Federal Explosives Act: Enforcement, appropriation for------- Appropriation for fiscal year 1945, reduction __-------------- Printing and binding, limitation increase_ Federal Farm Loan Act, Amendments. See also Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, Amendments; Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act, Amendments; Servicemen's Readjust- ment Act of 1944; Servicemen's Read- justment Act of 1944, Amendments. Federal land banks- Borrowing of money ------------- Deferred payments on loan principal- Farm loan bonds- Amounts, denominations, etc--- Collateral security, deposit with farm-loan registrar---------- Page 301 302 301 301 301 298 296 297 303 304 304 305 304 300 300 303 304 305 297 299 299 299 303 413 346 408 424 267 268 268 INDEX m