Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/771

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National Farm Loan Associations. See Page under Federal Farm Loan Act, Amend- ments. National Forest Reservation Commission, appropriation for------------------ 150 National Forests. See also Forest Service under Agriculture, Department of. Ozark National Forest, Ark., game refuge; removal of restriction on designation of certain lands------- 531 National Gallery of Art, salaries and expenses, appropriation for -------- 125 National Guard: Adjutants general, continuance in fed- erally recognized status without pay 399 Appropriation for ----------------- 399 Chaplains, Office of Chief of, appropria- tion for ----------------------- 402 Field exercises, appropriation for par- ticipation in-------------------- 385 National Guard Bureau, War Depart- ment, appropriation for -------- 402 Officers on active duty, appropriation for pay ----------------------- 385 Restriction on payment of pensioners, etc---------------------------- 399 National Guard of District of Columbia, appropriation for------------------ 292 National Housing Act, Amendments, mort- gageinsurance-------------------- 47 National Housing Agency: Administrative expenses, limitation on obligations -------------------- 122 Appropriation for-------------- 82 , 121, 639 Time extension on availability------ 420 Damage claims, appropriation for 93, 431, 655 Federal HIome Loan Bank Administra- tion. See separatetitle. Federal Housing Administration. See separatetitle. Federal Public Housing Authority. See separatetitle. Home Owners' Loan Corporation. See separatetitle. Housing, emergency, for designated veterans and servicemen --------- 674 Housing facilities, emergency, rental by military or naval personnel, money allowances not denied ------------ 222 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for -_ 122 Transfer of funds; report to Congress__ 12 United States Housing Corporation. See separate title. War housing. See under Housing. National Institute of Health, appropria- tion for----------------------- 370, 63 National Inventors Council Service Staff, appropriation for salaries and ex- penses --------------------------- 188 National Labor Relations Board: rage Agreements between management and labor, notice requirement -------- 378 Appropriation Act, 1946 _- - -- -- - -- - -- 377 Appropriation for --------------- 377, 640 Overthrow of United States Government, restriction on employment of per- sons advocating --------------- 382 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after ----------------------- - 382 Transfer of funds authorized --------- 420 War Labor Disputes Act, duties im- posed by, restriction on use of funds for -------------------------- 640 National Mediation Board: Appropriation Act, 1946-------------- 378 Appropriation for ------------- 82, 378, 641 Transfer of funds ----------------- 641 Overthrow of United States Govern- ment, restriction on employment of persons advocating ------------- 382 Reorganization plans affecting, restric- tion ------------------------- 615 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after ------------------------- 382 National Memorial Stadium, District of Columbia, appropriation for expenses of Commission -------------------- 633 National Monuments: Administration, protection, etc. , appro- priation for ------------------ 352, 649 Jackson Hole, restriction on use of cer- tain funds in connection with ---- 360 Statue of Liberty, appropriation for water-supply easements ---------- 352 National Mortgage Association, Federal, appropriation for ----------------- 200 National Motor Vehicle Theft Act, Amend- ment, applicability to aircraft -_ _-- - 536 National Park Commissioners, appoint- ments as U. S . Commissioners, com- pensation restriction ---- _---.------ 660 National Park Service. See under Inte- rior, Department of the. National Parks, administration, protec- tion, etc., appropriation for______ - 352, 649 National Railroad Adjustment Board: Appropriation for ------------------ 379 Reorganization plans affecting, restric- tion --------. _

_ 615 National Railway Labor Panel, appropri- ation for------------------------ 378 National Safety Council, Inc., appropria- tion for District of Columbia affilia- tion with---- _-------_----------_ 286 National Service Life Insurance: Appropriation for---------------- 129, 642 INDEX LXXIV - - . - . .