Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/804

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INDEX Strategic and Critical Materials-Con. Page Zinc concentrates, reduction of, with methane gas, reduction in appro- priation available in fiscal year 1945- 409 Strategic Highway Network, appropriation for ---------------------------- 81, 117 Strategic Services, Office of: Appropriation for --------- _________ 483 Reduction in appropriation available in fiscal year 1945------------ 408 Damage claims, appropriation for ---- 655 Interdepartmental procurement, exemp- tion from general provision----__ _ _ 487 Streams, Gaging of, appropriation for _ 344, 648 Stump Point, Md., channel, examination and survey authorized------- ______ _ 26 Sturgeon Bay, Wis., improvement author- ized----------..--------- ..- __. 19 Submarginal Land, appropriation for re- tirement of----------------------- 157 Subsidies: Commodity Credit Corporation, pay- ments by- Limitations--------------------- - 51 Increase----------------------- 506 Reduction in amounts available to RFC ---------------------- 506 Continuance for fiscal year 1946 of cer- tain payments; allocations; limita- tions ------------------------ 260 Payment of, restriction on use of funds for ----------------------. . 415, 430 War Department funds, restriction on use --------------------------- 390 Sugar Act of 1937: Appropriation to effect provisions of__ - 158 Taxes under, proceeds of certain, cover- ing into general funds of Treasury of Philippines------------------- 577 Sugar Council, International, appropria- tion for share of expenses---- ------ 141 Sugars and Sirups, emergency production in industrial alcohol plants --------- 555 Sun River Project, Mont., appropriation for---------------------------- Superintendent of Documents, appropria- tion for Office of----------------- Supplemental Appropriations. See also Deficiency Appropriation Acts. Supplemental Appropriations, 1945.---- 46, Agricultural Research Administration, appropriation for __- -- -- --- -- -- House of Representatives, appropriation for --------------------------- Legislative Branch of the Government, appropriation for-------------- Post Office Department, appropriation for-_ . --- ----- ----- ---- ----- - Veterans' Administration, appropriation for --------------------------- 341 258 166 46 46 46 46 46 Supreme Court, United States. See under Page United States Courts. Surgeon General. See Public Health Serv- ice; Medical Department under War Department. Surplus Property Act of 1944: Aircraft, availability of appropriations for disposal of ------------------- 484 Amendment, disposal of aluminum plants and facilities, extension of period of prohibition ------------ 546 Commodities disposed of for export, parity price restrictions inappli- cable to ----------------------- 154 Disposal agencies, appropriation for_ 484, 641 Special fund account, establishment; availability ----- _ -- - -- -- -- - -- 641 Surplus Property Board, appropriation for ---- _- ------ --.--- ----- ---- 484 Treasury Department, Procurement Division- Appropriation for expenses incident to property disposal ----------- 67 Transfer of fundsfrom-_----------- 484 Repeal of limitations -------- -- 641 Surplus Property Administration: Establishment, duties, etc------------ 533 Surplus Property Board- Abolishment, transfer of functions, funds, etc-------------------- 533 Appropriation for ----------------- 484 Susquehanna River, Md., improvement authorized-----.----------------- 14 Suwannee River, Ga. and Fla., examina- tion and survey authorized --------- 29 Swan Quarter Bay-Deep Bay, N. C ., waterway, improvement authorized-- 15 Sweetpotato Weevil Control, appropria- tion for-------------------------- 147 Synthetic Liquid Fuel Demonstration Plants: Construction and operation- Appropriation for ---------------- 346 Contracts for additional work au- thorized--------------------- 347 Transportation of workers and school children--------------------- 347 T Tacoma Harbor, Wash., improvement authorized --------

23 Tallahassee, Fla., canal, examination and survey authorized ---------------- 29 Tampa Bay Channel, Fla., examination and survey authorized ---------------- 29 Tampa Harbor, Fla., improvement author- ized---------------------------- 17 Tangier Channel, Va., improvement au- thorized------------------------- 14 CVII