Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1169

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1854 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. ao mesmo comunicar a Vossa Excelencia que o meu Governo con- corda em que t6das as aeronaves americanas que sobrevoem o terri- t6rio metropolitano de Portugal deverao descer em Lisboa, a menos que uma permissao para sobrev6o em casos especiais seja previa- mente obtida do Governo Portugues pela carreira a6rea." Ao tomar devida nota da referida comunicacao informo igualmente Vossa Excelencia de que o "tratamento nacional" mencionado no Ac6rdo que hoje assinamos s6bre navegaeao aerea nao devera ser menos favor&vel do que o tratamento concedido a naeao mais favore- cida, mas em caso contrario seria aplicavel aos Estados Unidos da America o tratamento que f6sse mais favoravel. Aproveito esta oportunidade para apresentar a Vossa Excelencia os protestos da minha mais alta consideragao. OLIVEIRA SALAZAR A Sua Excelencia 0 Senhor Dr. HERMAN BARUCH &&& Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS LISBON, December 6, 1945 MR. AMBASSADOR: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's note of this date, communicating to me the following: Ante, p. 1853. [See note of December 6, 1945 from the American Ambassador to the Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs.] Taking due note of the communication referred to, I likewise inform Your Excellency that the "national treatment" mentioned in the Agreement which we signed today on air navigation is not to be less favorable than the treatment granted to the most-favored nation, but in a contrary case the treatment which would be most favorable would be applicable to the United States of America. I avail myself of this opportunity to present to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. OLIVEIRA SALAZAR His Excellency HERMAN BARUCH &&&