Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/335

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59 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-SANITARY AERIAL NAVIGATION-JAN . 5 , 1945 blood for a yellow fever immunity test should, in addition, wherevei possible, be taken from all persons suffering from an undiagnosed fever, and if the cause of the fever remains doubtful and the patient recovers, a second sample should be collected at the end of the third week from the onset of ill- ness. (3) For the purpose of quaran- tine control, UNRRA in consul- tation with the governments con- cerned and, as regards the West- ern Hemisphere, with the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, shall define the boundaries of endemic yellow fever areas. (4) That they shall use their best endeavors to secure that all persons who are likely to land in an endemic yellow fever area shall be inoculated against yellow fever 10 days before arrival in the area and that, so long as such persons remain in the area, they shall be re-inoculated every 4 years. (5) (a) That inoculation against yellow fever shall be required for all regular staff employees and crews using authorized aerodromes situated in endemic yellow fever areas. (b) That in areas in which yel- low fever does not exist, but in which there may be conditions permitting of its development, in- oculation of such personnel is recommended. (6) That all persons inoculated in compliance with the provisions of paragraphs (4) and (5) of this Article shall be furnished with and carry an Inoculation Certificate 66347° - 47 --PT . II ----21 examen histopathologique. En outre, dans les zones d'endemicite, on fera, si possible, un preleve- ment de sang pour rechercher la reaction d'immunit6 a la fievre jaune sur chaque personne at- teinte d'une fievre non diagnosti- quee; si la cause de la fievre reste douteuse, et si le malade guerit, un second pr6elvement de sang devrait etre fait a la fin de la troisieme semaine a partir du debut de la maladie. (3) Aux fins de l'application du regime de quarantaine, 1'UNRRA devra, en consultation avec les gouvernements interesses, et, en ce qui concerne l'hemisphere occi- dental, avec le Bureau d'hygiene panamericain, d6limiter les zones oh la fievre jaune existe a l'etat endemique. (4) Les Parties Contractantes s'efforceront de veiller a ce que toutes personnes qui pourraient etre appelees a atterrir dans une zone d'endemicite de la fievre jaune soient vaccinees contre la fievre jaune dix jours avant l'ar- rivee dans cette zone et ensuite revaccin6es tols les quatre ans aussi longtemps qu'elles y s- journeront. (5) (a) La vaccination contre la fievre jaune sera obligatoire pour tout le personnel ordinaire et les equipages utilisant des aerodromes autorises situes dans les zones d'endemicite de la fievre jaune. (b) Dans les regions oi la fievre jaune n'existe pas, mais oh les conditions de son d6veloppement existent, la vaccination de ce per- sonnel et des equipages est recom- mandee. (6) Toutes les personnes vac- cinees en execution des disposi- tions des paragraphes (4) et (5) du present Article seront munies d'un certificat de vaccination signe Boundaries of en- demic yellow fever areas. Inoculation before arrival in area. Inoculationrequired for staff employees and crews. Inoculation ceartif- cate. 1001