Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/715

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. May 21, 1945 [E. A. S. 459] Agreement between the United States of America and Guatemala respect- ing a Military Mission. Signed at Washington May 21, 1945; effective May 21, 1946. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOV- ERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUB- LIC OF GUATEMALA In conformity with the request of the Government of the Repub- lic of Guatemala to the Govern- ment of the United States of America, the President of the United States of America has au- thorized the appointment of offi- cers of the United States Army to constitute a Military Mission to the Republic of Guatemala under the conditions specified below: TrTLE I Purpose and Duration ARTICLE 1. The purpose of this Mission is to cooperate with the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Guatemala and with the personnel of the Guate- malan Army, with a view to en- hancing the efficiency of the Gua- temalan Army, and to serve as Adviser to the Guatemalan Army General Staff, as Adviser to the Director of the various military academies, and as Adviser to as- sist in the organization of an Army Service Forces. ARTICLE 2. This Mission shall continue for a period of four years from the date of the signing of this Agreement by the accredited representatives of the Govern- ment of the United States of America and the Government of ACUERDO ENTRE EL GOBIERNO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA Y EL GOBIERNO DE LA REPOBLICA DE GUATEMALA De conformidad con la solicitud del Gobierno de la Republica de Guatemala al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America ha autorizado el nom- bramiento de oficiales del Ejercito de los Estados Unidos que cons- tituyan una Misi6n Militar a la Republica de Guatemala de acuerdo con las condiciones que se estipulan a continuaci6n: TiTULO I Propositoy Duracion ARTiCULO 1. El prop6sito de esta Misi6n es cooperar con el Ministro de la Defensa Nacional de la Repfblica de Guatemala y con el personal del Ejercito guate- malteco con el fin de aumentar la eficiencia del Ejercito guatemal- teco y servir como Asesor del Es- tado Mayor del Ejercito guatemal- teco, como Asesor del Director de las diversas academias militares, y como Asesor para ayudar a organizar una Fuerza de Servicio del Ejercito. ARTicumL 2. Esta Misi6n du- rara cuatro afos a partir de la fecha de la firma de este Acuerdo por los representantes acredita- dos del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America y del Gobierno de la Repfblica de Guatemala, a 1392