Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1052

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952 INDEX. Claims. I Claims. by Oliver H. Pcrry in the battle on Lake [ paid on :1 contract with him to rcturn his Eric, - - 575 fhmily to Italy, ·--- 620 Henry Whitney to be paid for his services as ; F. Jardellafs claim to be paid for scrviccs on secretary 0n board the Gucrricrc frigutc,579 ‘ the Capita}, - ---- 621 The claim of Jolm Peck for iutcrc-st on a. final i Thc hcirs of1`h0m:1s F. Townslcy to be paid scttlcment éertificutc, to be paid, - 582For damages on ccrtuin drafts, - 6122 Horatio N. Crabb to be paid for naval scr- Richard Ilardcsty to be paid for mason work, vices, ...··- 582 622 John C. Naylor to be paid for his scrviccs us Murinus \V.Gilbcrtto be paid intcrest on moclcrk in the surveyor-gcncrul’s office in ncy advanced by him for the U. Status, 622 Tennessee, ----. 583 \Villi:un Baker to be paid for damngcs to his Aicxzmdcr J. Robison to be paid for nmdicnl properly at Suckcws Harbour while in the services among the Crcck Indians, - 583 possession of the troops of the United Frangaisc Suzone to be paid for wheat, &c., States, --·-.- 623 furnished to the troops by order cfCol0nclDavid Bartlett to be paid money expended by R. M. Johnson in 1813, · - - 583 him, --·--- (523 Gcorgc Bowen to be paid for transporting the Daniel Wl1itncy to be paid for transporting mail, - - ---- 583 baggage, - - · · - 623 A ccrtihcatc for $40 to issue to \Villiz1m Has- Andrew Dudgc to be paid his claim for exlett, .. 584 pcnscs in the late war, - - - 623 The accounts of Jonathan Walton and John The represcntatives of Willie Blount to bc J. Dc Grad; for transportation, to be set- paid money disbursed {br the United States, tled, ...-- - 586 624 The claim of the legal represcntatives of John M’DoncIl to be paid {br forage, &.c., 625 James Brown to be paid, . - 586 Interest allowed on the claim of the cxccutor The claim of Bulitha Laws, for mason work ofClw.rlcs Wilkins, - - - 626 at Old Point Comfort, to be paid, - 588 Abner Stilsnn tc be paid for carrying an cx- Jolm Bruce to be paid certain damages, 588 press, ...-.. 627 Payment of arrcarages to Colonel A. R. The claims of the represcntutives of Jacob ¥VoolIcy, late of the army of the United Eycrly to be cxamined, and ifjust, allow- States, ------ 590 ed, ------- 627 The claim of William D. Acken, as timber The claim of Daniel Hcmnns {br dnmngcs agent, to be paid, ---- 591 under contract to be scttlcd, · - 627 Payment erroneously made: by Philip Moore Stephen Crittentnn to be paid for ground at to be refunded, ...- 593 Middletown, Connecticut, conveyed to the John Slmckfbrd to be paid rcnt For a. store- United States, ---- 628 house occupied by the United States, 593 The claim of Moses Bliss for Fccs as Marshal Stcphcn C. Phillips tc be paid for maintc- to be paid, ----- 634 nance ofwrcckcd American seamen, 595 The claim of John Picrcc and Daniel Van The represcntutives of Hugh M’Ginnis to be Voorhis, for brass buts, to be paid, - 634 paid for extrn work and materials on the The represcntutives of Thomas Hnlidny to be Cumberland road, · - - - 596 paid moncy cxpcndcd in the public service, Charlc J. Hand’s claim for rcclaiming horscs 635 lost, to be paid, . - - · 596 George D¤.ws0n’s account for mason work to Gcorgc Rcad to be paid the amount of un be scttlcd, ----- 662 ¤.ward and judgment in the district of Dc- Nathamicl Platt to be paid for rcnt und Forngc, luwarc, ------ 597 663 John Chandler and \Villiu.m Johnson, sure- William B. Stokes und others, their claims to tics of John B. Grifhn, formerly Pcstmas. be scttlud For extm service us mail contractfzer in Alabama, to be paid the money col- ors, .-.--- 665 Icctcd from them, ---- 598 John S. Stiles to be paid for brcad delivered, The proceeds of sugar illegally condemned to ~ 667 bc paid to 'I`uH`s und Clark, - - 604 James L.Catheart to be paid in full for all Money paid for lots in the city of WVnshing·- his cluims, ---·- 668 ton to be refunded to the represcntatives Thc owners, &.c. of the private armed vcsof Bailey E. Clarke, - - - 613 scls Ncptunc und Fox, allowed for prison- Thomas Buford to be paid for advances made crs captured by them, . . - 669 to militia, ----- 616 Nancy Lcn-mnstcr, widow of James Lcamns. Hcnry Awkward to be paid his claim, 616 ter, tobc paid for provisions und Forage, 670 Shubucl Conant to be paid his claim for Property captured from Joscph Dogy by the fbragc, ------ 617 Choctaw Indians, to be paid to him, and Theodore Owens to be paid his claim for the treasury to be reimbursed from the nn. taking census, ---- GI7 nuity due to the Choctaw Indians, 671 Riddle, Becktlc, and Iicudington, &c., tobc` Intcrest on a. certain sum allowed to Don paid their claim under an act of Congress, Carlos Dchault Dclassuw, . - 672 pusscd in 1834, ---- GIS Amount paid by John La Tourette for land, Mcrvin P. Mix to be allowed for loss in dis- to be rcfundcd to him, - - - 673 bursing trcasury notes, - - - 6l9 { John M. Gamble in be paid the value of ra- The hcirs of Guiseppc Franzoni, &.c,, to bc. tions furnished by him, . . - 675