Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1067

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INDEX. 957 Judgments Released. I Marine Hospital at Cllarlcslnn. Proceedings on n. judgment against YValtcr Appropriation fm. a marinc ]wspiml at Jones suspended ; sttttlrtmibllli to bfé lfmde of I Charleston, Smith Cuygliml . . 4lQ his accounts, ----- 764 l _ _ , Proceedings against Daniel Ward and George ‘Med'°“l S‘"`”’“·"· Ficklin on a judgment suspended, - 770· Dr. David H. Maxwell to be paid for medical Abel A. Pasko released from part of a judg. services in 1814, ..·- 711 ment against him for the Posh0in0c De- _ 1 partment, _____ 770 Merchundzse Lxported. No proceedings to take place on a judgment i Further time to export merchandise allowed against Edward Blake, - - - 785 to James Yard, ---- 39 John R. Tcift, administrator of Francis D. P. A M. h. de Villcrs, released fiom a judgment, 853 w lg"? V°l'"'t°"°‘ John Randal, Charles York, and J ameg Claims of Francis Lassclle and others, Michi· Williams to be released from judgments gan V°l*ml°€l'$i to ho {Mid. - - 605 against them, ---·- 840 MT . VVi]lian1 H. Robertson and others to have in- I wm terest on certain judgments remitted tot Pltgmenls to the militia under Major James them, . - 872rc, - ...-. 34 John Wharry released from a judgment, endl Tho ilmollnt of a militia fine returned to the penalty to be repaid, . - . 889 ·l0l1¤ M’C&usland, - · - . . 234 Samuel Lord to be conditionally discharged S¤m¤€l lfldnllwr to be paid for provisions for from liability on a judgment, - - 891 the militia on the frontiers of Indiana, The administrator of Abiel Wood to be re- · 274 leased from s judgment against A. lvood, The representatives of Greenbury H. Mur- 800 phy to be allowed for the amount of g A. G. S. Wight released from part of a judg. judgment incurred for collecting militia ment against him, on paying the bulsrgoo, P fiff30S, 2 t - t - d - & - F .. :978 01 ro cssors, u ors, s ewar s, c. o semlna. The collection of a. judgment against Richard ries of lcarninglin the District of Columbia Sm-red to be suspended, &,c., . . 893 exempt from mllltla duty, . . 339 David Alspach released as surety of M. Al- Allowance to Charles Carr for payments to spach, on payment of costs, - - 923 3 lllc Kentucky mllltla, . - - 289 Thomas Hunter and Alexander Caldwell rc- ‘ Marecn Duval to paid Ifor provisions fur. leased from a certain judgment in the Cir- ¤1Sl1€d to the Ohio militia, - . 303 cuit Court of Kentucky, except as to costs, LUCY li·d00}l;11s te) be pgud thelamoiunt) wléiqh 926 wou ave cen ne 0 ler us an , a The representatives of Alexander Mitchell lwutenantln the militia. Halilpay allowed released from certain judgments in tho to her, .. 565 United States' District Court for the West- , , _ CFD District of Virginia, - . _ 94() llllltldfy Sermces, Benjamin S.Ro`¤cl·ts conditionally discharged The pay of a captain allowed to Baron dc from liability on a judgment; his accounts Glaubeck, - . ._ . . 1 to be settled as a lieutenant, . . 938 F Annuity of $2500 for life given to Frederick Joseph Ramsay discharged from a certain William de Steuben for military services judgment, --—- 937 during the revolutionary war, · - 2 George Gibson to be paid for military ser- Kcntucky Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. V100S, - - - _ - - -_ 10 Lund granted to the Kentucky Asylum, 339 Allowance} {Ig the education of the clllldren Time ('or selling land extended, - - 629 Lod ug tcrcin . d ‘ E ,1 ,,12 Further time for the sale of lands granted, ascrlgrvurun m ° lssuc m P mlm KIT; La F 810; Allowance for military services of General ay""' La Fayette, - 14 Two hundred thousand dollars ond n town- Allowance to Colonel 'Fousaid for- military ship of land granted to General La Fayette, _ sm-vices, . ,,,__ ]5 320‘ The accounts of Lewis Dubois for militar Lewis and Clarke and their Companions. services to be settled, - - - lh Warrants for lands to be issued to them, 65 S°}`Y‘°°S of PFMY C°"°"h°"'€“; ‘19 o . Dm W *0 be *·“ °‘v° ·*· · · · **6 l!£‘i?$,¥ Fi’¥lie2l$€£;‘,$‘;? %‘.,??;‘;dl;lg .23 · V - l l\Ia`or Truman, - - · 12, 41 Ma‘l,;,{1ihe .gm“df'S}“;“`H t b .d $500 _ Allowlance to Major Thomas Lewis, .· 37 h°€:"gu°:a;d hav;] Zips ;,“° PM , v . Allowance to the widow and orphan children S . s ~*=¤ · Fd WM <=¤~·» of nom Elliott, 5-l l’l°Y°d M “ °°·"‘°’ of uw multQ45i Allowance to the widow and orphans of . , Thomas Flinn, ...- 57 M""""" C·'P’·"“· l sums to be paid to Gilbert c. Russell, . 61 Sums to be paid to the representatives of Allowance to Louis Tousard, . - 47 David Valenzin and others, - . 54 Allowance to Philip Turner, · - 73