Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/284

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184 FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess.II. Ch.6, 8,11,12. 1817. at the time it was delivered, by the request of Charles D. Coxe, Esq. to th;lBey of Tunis, in such manner and upon such terms as may be equita e an just. - - Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the amount thereof; when so Appmpmmm ascertained, shall be paid to the said William H aslet, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, January 20, 1817. Srnun II. —-——— J an. 22, 1817. CHAP. VI.-An det directing the discharge of John Ricaud from impismmnt. . Be it enacted, Qc., That John Ricaud, late paymaster of the thirty- To be dis- sixth regiment of infantry, now, and for some time past, confined in the Fl¤¤‘$¢d f¤>¤¤ jail of Baltimore, upon a judgment at the suit of the United States, ""P"°°'""°"°' which he is wholly unable to pay, be discharged and remain free from imprisonment and arrest on account of the said judgment: Provided Prcviso. alwa s 'I‘hat the said John Ricaud shall, before he be dischar ed as V · . . g aforesaid, secure, to the satisfaction of the district attorney of the proper` district, all and any property or credits he may now have, or be entitled to,- for the payment of said judgment, and all property he hereafter may have or acquire shall be and remain liable for the payment of I the said judgment, costs, and charges, in the same manner as if this act Promo. had not been passed: And pe-ovzded further, 'I hat nothing in this act contained shall be construed to impair the right of the United States to any estate which the said John Ricaud has assigned or conveyed to any person or persons whatever; nor shall. aifect the liability of any person who may have been bound with the said John Ricaud for the payment of psy sum of rrnoney to the gnited States. rrnovnn, anuary 22, 1 17. Srnruu II. ······· Jan, 22, igyz, Cum. VIII.--An JM directing the diaeluzpge of Oliver Spellman from imprison-

  • “‘*······*·· men .

_ .Be it enacted, Qc., That Oliver Spellman, who is now imprisoned in gv hams- a jail in the State of Rhode Island, on a judgment at the suit of the imgrrpsinniga United States, by which he was sentenced to pay a fine to the United proviso, States, be discharged from his imprisonment: Provided, however, That any estate which the said Oliver Spellman may have or hereafter acquire, shall be liable to be taken to satisfy the sentence against him in the same manner as if he had not been imprisoned and discharged. Aimrtovmn, January 22, 1817. Srurure II. —-———-— Feb. B, 1817, CHAP. XI.-./21: Act or the rcli Hem- Makolm. .._...i . V Be it enacted, &·e., That the secretary of the treasury be, and he is P$10oi0ttolpe hlpreby, directed [:.0 pass to the credit of Henry Malcolm, collector of ““? ° 1* the customs fort e district of Hudson in the State of New York one t. . > °!°d` thousand dollars, being the amount of a sum of money collected by said collector, and lost in its transmission from the city of Hudson to the city of New York, in the mail. Approved, February S, 1817. Srnun II. ----. Fab. 8, 1817. CHAP. XII. — An dc! to amend an act, entitled “An act authorizing the payment "’";*‘··· of a sum of money to Joseph Stewart and others." iggqvybzulhgy- Be it enacted, &·c., That the money authorized to be paid to Joseph ,0 Joggph gg`, Stewart and his associates, of Dorchester county, in the State of Mary- mma oghom, land, or to their- legal representatives, by an act of Congress approved

geb;el;:;¢l);<> on the twenty-ninth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixmmsi teen, shall be paid to the following persons, their legal representatives

or agents, viz: The said Joseph Stewart, Moses Navy, John Bell, Moses