Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/433

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EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. S6, 87,88, 89, 90. 1825. 333 S1w.w:rs II. CHAP. LXXXVI.—— An Act for the relizégf Holden HC Prcui, administrator cm March 3, 1825. the estate of Joshua . Prout, deceased. ""‘—"*“" Be it enacted, ¢§~c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department bc, and they arc hereby, authorized and directed to Claims farpa audit and settle the claims of Holden W. Prout, administrator on the dim °°¤’”*i¤ WK estate of Joshua W. Prout, deceased, for pay duc J amcs Milliken, Wil- 2;*3};: b° liam Malone, Lewis Ashburn, William Trotman, Henry King, James McClcnden, William Hill, James Ferguson, William Forest, and Samuel Vance, soldiers of the Mississippi militia, at the time·0f their respective discharges, and pay the amount found duc to the said Holden W. Prout, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. APPROVED, March 3, 1825. ‘*" STATUTE IL CHAP. LXXXVII. ——.&'n dat for the rclizg/" of James Porter and TumlallQuarles. Much 3, 182;-,_ Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That James Portcr and Tunstall Quarlcs, of the Reléused {mm state of Kentucky, bc, and they are hereby, rclcuscd from a judgment ujudgmcrgt 0b- obtained against them by the post office department, as the sureties of 3:*;; b“g§“‘3 Williann J. Salce: Provided, That said suretics shall pay the legal Dapumyimerit. i costs which have accrued in the prosecution of said demand. Pruvisc- Ammovsp, March 3, 1825. S;v.m·v·r1a II. CHA?. LXXXVIII.-An .04:1 for the reliqf of Gilbert Cl Russell. March 3, 1825. Bc it enacted, cfs., That the Third Auditor of the Treasury ascertain (by the best evidence the nature of the case will admit, the rules for Y¤l¤¤ °f¤¤\‘· taking of which he shall prescribe,) the value (at the time of seizure,) LT;lg5°§§*Hm of the property owned by Gilbert C. Russell, at Mobile Point, in the robe ascorycnr eighteen hundred and twenty-one, that was seized by an armed minedforcc acting under the orders of Captain De Russcy, of the United States' arm . Sim. 2. And be il further enactrd, That the said auditor, in like AlB0 °f],,b,,, manner, ascertain the value of the labor performed by the said Gilbert psrformed by C. Russell, towards the erection of a fort at Mobile Point; whether the wd R¤¤S°lE *°· . . . . . wards eremmn same was in erecting barracks, or in preparing materials for the further of a [Om gm prosecution of the works at that place; and that the said auditor report the amounts, so ascertained, to the Secretary of the Treasury, who is authorized and directed to pay the same to the said Russell, out of any To be paid. money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Am-1z0v1:1>, March 3, 1825. —"_` Srn-un II. CHAP. LXXXIX.—-vin Actfcr the rcliqf of Christian Jacob Buwle. March 3 1825 B1: it enacted, <§·c., That the Collector of the port of Philadelphia be, and he is hcrcby, authorized to permit Christian Jacob Burckle to ex- Di-awback on port, with the benefit of drawback, two packages of Spanish playing P}{¤Y¤¤%°°"d·’ cards, which were imported into that port in the brig Hibernia, from ° °w° ` Hamburg, the said Christian Jacob Burcklc complying with all the forms and requisites of the existing acts allowing the benefit of drawback in other cascs. Armovzn, March 3, 1825. ""_' Sncrvn II. CHAP. XC. —.r2n Ac: for the rcliqf ry" John Heck. March 3 I825 Bc it enacted, ¢§·c., That John Heck be, and he is hereby, released Released {mm from a judgment obtained against him, as the surefy of Nicholas Krehl, a judgment late a Postmaster at Shippingsburg, by tho P0stmastcr—Genoral, for the “€*““S* h""·