Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/612

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512 TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess.I.Ch.244,249,25]. 1832. S·rn¤·r1·: I. Crue. CCXLIV.—- An Act for the relief of the of icers and soldiers of Fort July 14,183% Delaware. I —-·--1 Be it enacted, <§·c., That the second auditor of the Treasury be, and $$°;,°ws,°g`,, 2:;; he hereby is, authorized and required to ascertain the amount of propto be ascertained erty lost by each officer and soldier m the conllagration which occurred md P°’d· at Fort Delaware, on the night of the eighth of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one; and the amount so ascertained, shall be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Arpnovau July 14 1832. Surura I. A , ._. •l¤lY 1% 1832- Crur. CCXLIX.- An ./Jctfcr the benefit of Saint Vincent':: Female Orphan Asy- ····*····*· Zum of the city af Washington, under the direction of the “Sisters of Charity," and of the Washington City Orpltargdsylum, and far pthljr ];.rpt;ses.B ld _ Be it enacted ¢§·c. That the ommissioner o the ub ic ui ings lng'"? cgi,;;? be, and he is hei·eby,)authorized and required to select and value such corporations. of the building lots and parts of lots, owned by the United States, in the city of Washington, as he shall think may be brought to market and sold to the greatest advantage, to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, which he shall divide andsepurate into two parcels of ten thousand dollars worth each, one of which, at his election, he shall convey to the " Washington City Orphan Asylum," and the other to the “Saint Vincent’s Female Orphan Asylum of Washington, under the direction of the Sisters of Charity " and to the successors of each forever. ,·,0l;:°‘:,t,;g°f£:°° Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said lots and parts of tive years, uu- lots so to be selected and valued, shall be free from taxes for five years, l°'”¤ &°' unless sooner disposed of by the said Corporations, or either of them ; and that so soon as the said Corporations, or either of them, shall dispose of any part of the property hereby granted, the part so disposed sm of 10,, of shall be subject to taxation. _ authorized, Sec. 3. Ant! be tt futher enacted, That each of the said Corporations shall be authorized to sell and dispose of all or any part of the property hereby granted to it, for a term of years, or in fee simple, at _ such times and on such terms as it shall deem most advisable: Pra- Pr°m°' vided, That the interest of the money arising from the sale, lease, or rent, of the aforesaid lot of ground or any part thereof, shall not be applied to any other object than to the purposes for which the before-mem tioned Institution was established. ,.0:\¥,;l,;;‘g',‘;;“i’r‘:l‘} Sec. 4. And be tt further enacted, That the sum of fifteen hundred pmvcmc,,¤_ dollars be appropriated for enclosing and improving the Public Reservation, marked number eight, on the plan of the city. S I Approved, July 14, 1832. rn1*U’rE . .1;. ·l“l.Y Mr 1882 Cntr. CCl.»`I.-—-.611. Act for t/te` relief of Bernard Leonard and Jacob Black. B_L,,°,md,. Be it enacted, Qc., That Bernard Leonard be, and he is hereby, connmi claim een. lirmed in his claim as assignee of Peter Young and David Durham, to m’¤¤°d· two tracts of land, of six hundred and forty acres each, situated on the south side river, and in the tract of country commonly called the Neutral Territory, and about thirty-five miles above the town of Natchitoches, to be located in such manner as to embrace the improvements made by Peter Young and David Durham, severally, before the twenty- Ms cm 0,, second day of February, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. N_ Hgkmi th Saci be itfairg/ter egzizfteld, Tha; J acoglblacg, asbassignge of Natime ic tman an sara IC man e an e is ere y con rme in his claim to two tracts of land of six hhndred and forty acies each, situated on the south side of Red river within the aforesaid Territory, about thirty-six miles above the town Iof Natchitoches, to be located in such manner as to embrace the improvements made thereon by said Nathaniel and Isaiah Hickman, severally, previous to the twenty-second day