Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/94

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xoiv LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. Pm Military Services. An act for the relief of John Drysdale. March 3, 1843 .. . . . 893 Judgment suspended. An act for the relief of Ribhard Snead. March 3, 1843 .. , 893 Accounts. An act for the relief of Joseph R. Chandler. March 3, 1843 . . . . . . . . . . . . 893 Pension. An act for the relief of Elizabeth Powers. March 3, 1843 . .. 894 Pension. An act to allow a. pension to Nancy Williams, widow of David Williunns, who was cnc of the captors of Major Andre. Murch 3, 1843. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 894 Pension. An act for the rclicf of John Hicks. March 3, 1843 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894 Diplomatic Expenses. An act For the relief of Edwin Bartlett, late consul of the United States at Lima, in Peru. March 3, 1843 ... . 894 Renewal of a Patent. An act for the relief of William Gale. March 3, 1843. . . .. . . 895 Pension. An act granting a. pension to David Welch. March 3, 1843. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895 Allowance to a Fishing Vessel. An act for the relief of Charles Gordon, owner of the schooner Two Sons, and the legal represonmtives of the crew of suid vcsscl. March 3, 1843 . 895 Release of a Penalty. An act for the relief of Richard Coke, jr., Robert Anderson, and George W. Southall. March 3, 1843 ... . . . . . 895 Diplomatic Services. An act For the relief of John Randolph Clay, late secretary of lcgution. of the United States at the court of Vienna. March 3, 1843 .. . 896 Pension. An act granting a pen ion to Israel Thomas. March 3, 1843 . . . . . . . . . . . . 896 Pension. An act. for the relief of John Wolfénden. March 3, 1843 896 Claims. An act for the relief of Johnson Patrick. March 3, 1843. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 896 Lands for Schools. An act to transfer to the trustees of Centro College, in Kentucky, the lands heretofore grunted to the Kentucky Asylum for teaching the deaf and dumb. March 3, 1843 .- .. , . . . .. 896 Copy-right extended. An act supplemental to the act of the twenty-fourth May, one thousand eight hundred and twentyaight, to continue 21 cupymight to John Rowlatt. March 3, 1843 . . ... 897 Patent Fees refunded. An act for the rclicfof Robert B. Lewis. March 3. 1843 . . . . . . . . 897 Pension. An act for the relief of John Juvins. March 3, 1843 . . . . . . . . ... 897 Pension. An act for the relief of John F. Wiley. March 3, 1843 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897 Pension. An act for the relief of Jumcs Sweetman. March 3, 1843 898 Pension. An not for the relief of Joseph Nimblctt. March 3, 1843 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898 Release of Baml. An act for the rclicf of Gorham A. Worth, one of the surctics of Samuel Edmonds, deceased. March 3, 1843 . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 898 Claims. An act for the relief of Samuel Weller. March 3, 1843 .. . 898 Duplicate Land Warrant. An act for the rclicf of the legal representatives of John Peters, deceased. Murch3, 1843... . . .. . . ... . . . 898 Service:. An act for the rclicf of John Skirving. March 3, 1843 .. 899 Patent renewed. An act for the relief of Samuel K. Jcnnings. March 3, 1843. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899 Pension. An act for the rclicf of Nancy Wilson. March 3, 1843 . . . . . 899 Claims. An act for the reliafof John Hodgkin. March 3, 1843 .. . . . .. .. . . 899 Duties on Railroad Iran. An act for the relief of Thomas \Vcawcr and Jacob Hcybcrger, surctics of thu Norristown and Valley Railroad Company. March 3, 1843 ... . . . . . . . . . 899 Accounts. An act for the relief of the legal representative nf Robert T. Spence. March 3, 1843 . 900 Pension. An act for the relief of I·I:mnah Jcnkins,widow [cf] James Jenkins, deceased. March 3, 1843 . . . . . . . 900 Pension. An act for the rclicfcf Ruth Muthiot. March 3, 1843. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . 900 Services. An act for the rcliefof Peters, Moore and Company. March 3, 1843. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 Pension. An act for the rclicf of Nuncy Polcrccsky. March 3, 1843 . . . . . . 901 Diplomqlic Expenses. An act for the rclicf of the legal representatives of Dnnicl Brent, dcccuscd, late consul of the United Stutcs at Paris. March 3, 1843 . 901