Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/134

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79TH OONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 143-APR . 19, 1946 Office of Information: "Salaries and expenses", $72,000; Library, Department of Agriculture: "Salaries and expenses", $84,000; Bureau of Agricultural Economics: "Economic investigations", $310,000; "Crop and livestock estimates", $217,000; Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations: "Salaries and expenses", $85,000; Extension Service: "Administration and coordination of extension work", $60,000; Agricultural Research Administration: Office of Administrator: "Salaries and expenses", $40,000; "Special research fund, Department of Agriculture", $120,000; Office of Experiment Stations: "Administration of grants and coordination of research with States", $21,000; "Federal Experiment Station, Puerto Rico", $9,000; Bureau of Animal Industry: "Animal husbandry", $95,000; "Diseases of animals", $76,000; "Eradicating tuberculosis and Bang's disease", $430,000; "Inspection and quarantine", $140,000; "Meat inspection", $1,590,000; "Virus Serum Toxin Act", $40,000; "Marketing agreements, hog cholera virus and serum" (in- crease in sum made available from appropriation made by section 12 (a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, approved May 12, 1933, from "$31,940" to "$37,740"); Bureau of Dairy Industry: "Salaries and expenses", $99,800; Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering: "Field crops", $240,000; "Fruit, vegetable, and specialty crops", $205,000; "Forest diseases", $31,500; "Soils, fertilizers, and irrigation", $105,000; "Agricultural engineering", $46,000; "National Arboretum", $4,800; Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry: "Agricultural chemical investigations", $44,000; "Naval-stores investigations", $17,500; "Regional research laboratories", $500,000; Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics: "Salaries and expenses", $73,000; "White pine blister rust control, Department of Agriculture", $270,000; Forest Service: Salaries and expenses: "General administrative expenses", $75,000; "National forest protection and management", $2,550,000; "Forest management", $116,900; "Range investigations", $42,100; "Forest products", $175,000; "Forest resources investigations", $24,000; "Forest-fire cooperation", $40,000; "Farm and other private forestry cooperation", $36,000; "Forest roads and trails", $480,000; Commodity Credit Corporation: "Salaries and administrative expenses" (increase in limitation for administrative expenses by $743,000); 48 Stat. 38 . 7U.S.0.. 612 (a) 107 60 STAT.]