Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/433

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 530 -JULY 1, 1946 on Printing for the inspection of printing and binding equipment, material, and supplies and Government printing plants in the District Congressional Rec- of Columbia or elsewhere (not exceeding $1,000); for salaries and expenses of preparing the semimonthly and session indexes of the Congressional Record under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing (chief indexer at $3,948, one cataloger at $3,618, two catalogers at $2,826 each, and one cataloger at $2,430); and for all the necessary labor, paper, materials, and equipment needed in the prose- cution and delivery and mailing of the work; in all, $24,200,000; to which sum shall be charged the printing and binding authorized to be done for Congress including supplemental and deficiency estimates Federal Register. of appropriations; the printing, binding, and distribution of the Fed- 49 Stat. 500 . 44 U. S . C. §5301- eral Register in accordance with the Act approved July 26, 1935 (44 314uppleentsn to . S. C . 301,317) (not exceeding $500,000); for the printing and bind- CFR . ing of the supplements to the Code of Federal Regulations, as author- 49 Stat5. u ized by the Act of July 26, 1935 (44 U. S. C . 311), $100,000; the V, §§ 311, 311a. printing and binding for use of the Government Printing Office; the printing and binding (not exceeding $5,000) for official use of the Architect of the Capitol upon requisition of the Secretary of the Unexpended bal- Senate; in all to an amount not exceeding $4,200,000: Provided, That ce not less than $20,000,000 of such working capital shall be returned to the Treasury as an unexpended balance not later than twelve months Yearbook of Agri- after the close of the fiscal year 1947: Provided further, That notwith- culture. 28 Stat. 612. standing the provisions of section 73 of the Act of January 12, 1895 (44 U. S. C. 241), no part of the foregoing sum of $4,200,000 shall be used for printing and binding part 2 of the annual report of the Secretary of Agriculture (known as the Yearbook of Agriculture). Printing and binding for Congress chargeable to the foregoing appropriation, when recommended to be done by the Committee on Printing of either House, shall be so recommended in a report con- taining an approximate estimate of the cost thereof, together with a statement from the Public Printer of estimated approximate cost of work previously ordered by Congress within the fiscal year for which this appropriation is made. Prdeayedbyt or eartk During the fiscal year 1947 any executive department or independent ments,etc. establishment of the Government ordering printing and binding or blank paper and supplies from the Government Printing Office shall pay promptly by check to the Public Printer upon his written request, either in advance or upon completion of the work, all or part of the estimated or actual cost thereof, as the case may be, and bills rendered by the Public Printer in accordance herewith shall not be subject to audit or certification in advance of payment: Provided, Adjustments. That proper adjustments on the basis of the actual cost of delivered work paid for in advance shall be made monthly or quarterly and as may be agreed upon by the Public Printer and the department or oCredit ofgpaymnts establishment concerned. All sums paid to the Public Printer for work that he is authorized by law to do; all sums received from sales of wastepaper, other waste material, and condemned property; and for losses or damage to Government property; shall be deposited to the credit, on the books of the Treasury Department, of the appro- priation made for the working capital of the Government Printing Office and be subject to requisition by the Public Printer. Employeese No e NO part of any money appropriated in this Act shall be paid to tive branch, any person employed in the Government Printing Office while detailed for or performing service in the executive branch of the public service of the United States unless such detail be authorized by law. 406 [60 STAT.