Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/458

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60 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-MUTUAL AID SETTLEMENT-MAR . 27,1946 VI AGREEMENT RELATING TO PETROLEUM In accordance with their JOINT STATEMENT REGARDING SETTLE- MENT FOR LEND-LEASE, RECIPROCAL AID, SURPLUS WAR PROPERTY AND CLAIMS, dated December 6, 1945, the Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom hereby agree that the various questions relating to petroleum arising between the two Governments out of the conduct of World War II shall be dealt with as follows: A. PETROLEUM "PIPELINE" 1. The lend-lease petroleum "pipeline" intended for the United Kingdom consists of supplies contracted for but not transferred before September 2, 1945 which the Government of the United Kingdom designated for transfer after that date under lend-lease procedure. The Government of the United States agrees to complete the trans- fer of the petroleum products in the pipeline and the Government of the United Kingdom agrees to accept the transfer of such products. The total agreed value of the lend-lease petroleum pipeline, which amounts to $275,440, will be brought into the offsetting arrangement described in section E of the Agreement on Lend-Lease and Reciprocal Aid Pipelines and Offsetting Arrangement concluded this day (No. I). 2. The reciprocal aid petroleum "pipeline" is deemed to consist of (a) deliveries of fuel oil in the amount of $5,158,927 made to the United States Navy during the period from September 2, 1945 to December 31, 1945, inclusive, under contracts with non-American companies in Curacao, Trinidad and Abadan; and (b) deliveries up to a maximum value of $400,000 of petroleum products, other than aviation gasoline and lubricants, made or to be made during the period from September 2, 1945 to June 30, 1946, inclusive, to the United States Armed Forces in the Middle East. These items will be brought into the offsetting arrangement. B. CLAIMS BROUGHT WITHIN THE AGREEMENT ON SETTLE. MENT OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL CLAIMS The following claims, arising out of petroleum transactions, in the net amount of $2,200,000 in favor of the Government of the United States are included in the Agreement on Settlement of Intergovern- mental Claims concluded this day (No. II) for settlement in accord- ance therewith. 1. Claims by the Government of the United States accepted by the Government of the United Kingdom (a) United Kingdom Motor Spirit Basic Ration. In conformity with previously made arrangements, the Government of the United Kingdom accepts the claim of the Government of the United States in the amount of $2,800,000 for the landed cost of such additional motor spirit as was consumed in the United Kingdom during the period from June 1, 1945 to September 1, 1945, inclusive, by private cars for private use by reason of the restoration of the basic ration. 1547 Post, p. 1564. Lend-lease petrole- um "pipeline." Ante, p. 1527. Reciprocal aid pe- troleum "pipeline. " Ante, p. 1534.