Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/541

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1630 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [80 STAT. time of the disembarkation; the certificate of their quality shall be sent to the London Rice Brokers Association. The removal of the samples shall be made on the basis of the regulations adopted in the port. 7. No goods covered in the present contract may contain more than 1/2 of 1% in mineral matter; their nature, composition and quality shall be designated and declared according to the requirements of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act (Lei da venda de generos e drogas) and of all the regulations, including those relating to their preserva- tion and coloring. Broken rice which is not of British origin shall contain less than two per cent of unbroken rice. 8. Any question arising from the present contract shall be sub- mitted to the judgment of two members of the London Rice Brokers Association or of its arbitrator, who shall also be a member of this Association. Each party shall designate an arbitrator, and shall have the right to reject one of those who are designated. (By the term "member" is meant the member as well as the associate). In case one of the parties fails to designate an arbitrator within the period of ten days from the receipt of the communication from the other party that he has made such a designation, or in case the arbitrators do not agree to the designation of a third arbitrator, the Commission of the London Rice Brokers Association, in either of the two cases, shall have the power to designate a fourth arbitrator, who will act in the name of, or as if he were designated by, the defaultant party or parties. A decision on quality must be requested and the arbitra- tor-solicitor designated within 14 days from the receipt of the sample or samples, in London, by the purchaser or broker, which sample shall be sent to that capital, duly dispatched; or within 14 days after the beginning of the unloading of the vessel, the period which expires last being effective, and the decision being made without delay. Re- quests for arbitration which are not for arbitration concerning quality must be made and, to that end, the arbitrator-solicitor desig- nated as soon as possible. The claims, as well as the designation of the arbitrator, shall not be considered if they are made after a period of six months after the arrival of the vessel or six months after the date of any violation or omission made, the period which expires last being effective. Both parties shall have the right to appeal the decision of the arbitrators, except when legal questions are involved, within the period of five working days; such an appeal shall be addressed to the London Rice Brokers Association, whose decision, except with respect to legal questions, shall be final. Any payments resulting from the decision shall be made within a period of one week from the date of the same. 9. In case the shipment is postponed or suspended by reason of prohibition of exportation, mutinies, strikes, paralyzation of indus- tries, revolutions, earthquakes, floods, official declaration of an epi- demic, or by reason of the consequences of such occurrences, the period of the shipping contract shall be extended for one month. If at the termination of this period, the shipment is still suspended due to any