Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/162

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[61 STAT. Continuation in force of designated convention. 69 Stat. 955. 45 Stat. 2492. shall be prolonged in force after July 15, 1946 between the Govern- ments parties thereto; Have appointed their respec- tive Plenipotentiaries who, having deposited their full powers, found in good and proper form, have agreed as follows: ARTICLE I Subject to the limitation pro- vided for in Article II of the pres- ent Protocol, the International Sanitary Convention, 1944, Modi- fying the International Sanitary Convention of June 21, 1926, shall be prolonged in force on and after July 15, 1946, in respect of each of the Governments parties to the present Protocol, until the date on which such Government shall become bound by a further Convention amending or super- seding the said 1944 Convention and the said 1926 Convention. ARTICLE II The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (hereinafter referred to as UNRRA) shall continue to per- form the duties and functions assigned to it by the said 1944 Convention, as prolonged by the present Protocol, until such time as a new International Health Organization shall be established, at which time such duties and functions shall be transferred to and shall be assumed by such new International Health Organiza- tion, provided that if the new International Health Organiza- tion has not been formed or, hav- ing been formed, is unable to per- form the above duties and func- tions by the date on which UNRRA, owing to the termination of its activities in Europe or for any other reason, ceases to be able to 1944 au delA de la date du 15 juillet 1946 entre les Gouverne- ments qui y sont parties; Ont design6 leurs Plenipoten- tiaires respectifs, qui, apres avoir depos6 leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouves en bonne et due forme, sont convenus de ce qui suit: ARTICLE I Sous r6serve des stipulations de l'article II du pr6sent Protocole, la Convention sanitaire interna- tionale de 1944 portant modifica- tion de la Convention sanitaire internationale du 21 juin 1926 demeurera en vigueur, A dater du 15 juillet 1946, A l'rgard des Gouvernements parties au pre- sent Protocole jusqu'au jour oil chacun desdits Gouvernements se trouvera lie par une convention ulterieure modifiant ou rempla- gant ladite Convention de 1944 et ladite Convention de 1926. ARTICLE II L'Administration des Nations Unies de Secours et de Restaura- tion (d6nomm6e ci-apres UNRRA) continuera a assumer les taches et fonctions qui lui sont assignees par ladite Convention de 1944, telle qu'elle est prorog6e par le present Protocole, jusqu'au jour oi une nouvelle Organisation inter- nationale d'Hygiene sera 6tablie, date A laquelle ces tAches et fonc- tions seront transf6rees A ladite Organisation internationale d'Hy- giene et assumees par elle; toute- fois, si la nouvelle Organisation internationale d'Hygiene n'a pas encore ete constitu6e, ou si, apres sa constitution, elle se trouve dans l'impossibilite de se charger des taches et fonctions mentionnees ci-dessus a la date A laquelle UNRRA, parce que ses activites en Europe ont pris fin ou pour Continuation by UNRRA of duties and functions. International Health Organization. 1116 TREATIES