Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/169

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-SANITARY AERIAL NAVIGATION-APR . 30 , 1946 1123 eighteen months from the date on which the said 1944 Convention entered into force; and Considering that it is desirable that the said 1944 Convention shall be prolonged in force after July 15, 1946, between the Gov- ernments parties thereto; Have appointed their respective Plenipotentiaries who, having de- posited their full powers, found in good and proper form, have agreed as follows: ARTICLE I juillet 1946, date d'expiration du delai de dix-huit mois a compter du jour ot ladite Convention de 1944 est entree en vigueur; et Considerant qu'il est desirable de proroger ladite Convention de 1944 au dela de la date du 15 juillet 1946 entre les Gouvernements qui y sont parties; Ont designe leurs Pl6nipoten- tiaires respectifs, qui, apres avoir depose leurs pleins pouvoirs, trou- ves en bonne et due forme, sont convenus de ce qui suit: ARTICLE I Subject to the limitation pro- vided for in Article II of the pres- ent Protocol, the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation, 1944, Modifying the International Sanitary Conven- tion for Aerial Navigation of April 12, 1933, shall be prolonged in force on and after July 15, 1946, in respect of each of the Govern- ments parties to the present Pro- tocol, until the date on which such Government shall become bound by a further Convention amending or superseding the said 1944 Con- vention and the said 1933 Con- vention. ARTICLE II The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (hereinafter referred to as UNRRA) shall continue to per- form the duties and functions as- signed to it by the said 1944 Con- vention, as prolonged by the present Protocol, until such time as a new International Health Organization shall be established, at which time such duties and functions shall be transferred to and shall be assumed by such new International Health Organiza- Sous reserve des stipulations de l'article II du present Protocole, la Convention sanitaire interna- tionale pour la Navigation a6rienne de 1944 portant modification de la Convention sanitaire internatio- nalepourla Navigation a6rienne du 12 avril 1933 demeurera en vi- gueur, Adater du 15 juillet 1946, a l'egard des Gouvernements parties au present Protocole jusqu'au jour ol chacun des dits Gouverne- ments se trouvera lie par une con- vention ulterieure modifiant ou remplagant ladite Convention de 1944 et ladite Convention de 1933. ARTICLE II L'Administration des Nations Unies de Secours et de Restaura- tion (denommee ci-apres UNRRA) continuera A assumer les taches et fonctions qui lui sont assignees par ladite Convention de 1944, telle qu'elle est prorogee par le present Protocole, jusqu'au jour oi une nouvelle Organisation internatio- nale d'Hygiene sera 6tablie, date a laquelle ces taches et fonctions seront transferees a ladite Organi- sation internationale d'Hygiene et assumdes par elle; toutefois, si la Continuation in force of designated convention. 59 Stat. 991. 49 Stat. 3279. Continuation by UNRRA ofduties and [unctions. International Health Organization.