Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/25

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61 STAT.] BRAZILRURAL EDUCATION- a b 21,1946 2303 4. O Govrno dos Estados Unidos da America fornecera, por inter- medio da "Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc.", os educa- dores, especialistas e tecnicos que, na sua opiniao, devam colaborar corn os seus colegas brasileiros na execugao do programa previsto. 5. O material, o equipamento e os bens adquiridos em virtude deste piano continuarao sob a propriedade do Govmrno do Brasil, quando expirar o ac6rdo aqui referido, o que devera ocorrer a 30 de junho de 1948. 6. Em resposta, cabe-me confirmar a Vossa Excelencia haver o Govrno brasileiro concordado cor o mencionado Acordo s6bre educagao rural, o qual, assinado a 20 de outubro dltimo pelo Ministro da Agricultura e pelo Presidente da "Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc.", dispoe acerca do estabelecimento desse programa e dos m6todos de p6-lo em pratica. Aproveito a oportunidade para renovar a Vossa Excelencia os protestos da minha mais alta consideragao. JoXA NEVES DA FONTOURA A Sua Excelencia o Senhor ADOLF BERLE Jr., Embaixador dos Estados Unidos da America. Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS, RIo DE JANEIRO. URGENT DEC/SEB/DAI/38/624.22(22) February 15, 1946. MR. AMBASSADOR: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your Embassy's note No. 375, of January 21st last, relative to a program of cooperation in Rural Education between the United States of Brazil and the United States of America, and which was the subject of an Agreement entered into by the Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc., and the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil. 2. It was established in the said Agreement that the Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc., a corporation of the Office of Inter- American Affairs and an agency of the Government of the United States of America, will make available for the execution of that pro- gram a sum of $250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand dollars), United States currency, and the Ministry of Agriculture will con- tribute the equivalent in Brazilian currency of $750,000.00 (seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars), this amount to be in addition to the regular budget of the Brazilian Government for rural education. 3. This cooperative program will be carried out by a special organiza- tion to be created within the Ministry of Agriculture, and pursuant to the specific project agreements which will define the kind of work to be undertaken and the cost thereof. These project agreements will be signed by the officials representing the Inter-American Educa- tional Foundation, Inc. and the Ministry of Agriculture.