Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/851

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3142 Reports on oolleo tions, etc. Pod, p. 3149. Post, p . 3149. 61 Stat., Pt.1, p. 12. Freedom of super vision, etc. Privileges and In. munlties. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. (J) The Italan Government will each month mahe avilable to the Uni- ted States repreentatives reports on collections, balances and expenditures from the fund (a) The Italian Government will assig ofitoals to eonfer and plan with the United States repreentativee regardng the disposition of funds accruing from sales and to asasu a prompt and proper use of such funds. Article IV Bdti ve Producio Food 0OosOew ai Use of BRewoeecto O&sdo scief Need& (A) The Italian Government will . ert all possible efforts to secure the mairumnm produotion.anRd collection of locally produced supplies needed for relief puiposes. (B) The Italian Government will undertake not to permit any measures to be taken involving delivery, sale or granting of any articles of the character covered in this Agreement which would reduce the looaly produced supply of such articles and thereby increaae the burden of relief. (0) The Italian Government will furnish regularly eurrent information to the United States representatives regarding plans and progress in achieving this objective. (D) The Italian Government affirms that it has taken and is taking, in- sofar as possible, the economic measures necessary to reduce its relief needs and to provide for its own future reconstruction. Artiele V United SWtac MKiwi. (A) The United States Government will attach to the United States Em- basy In Bomet representatives who will constitute a relief mission and will, in cooperation with the regular Embassy staff, discharge the responsibilities of the United States Government under this Agreement and the Public Law 84, Eightieth Congress, May 31, 1947. The Italian Government will permit and facilitate the movement of the United States representatives to, in and from Italy. (B) The Italian Government will permit and facilitate in every way the freedom of the United States representatives to supervise, inspect, report and travel thronghout Italy at any and all times and will cooperate fully with them aicarrying out all of the provisons of this Agreement. The Italian Govern- ment will turnish the neessary automobile transportation to permit the United States representatives to travel freely throughout Italy and without delay. (0) The United States representatives and the property of the mission and of its persmonel shal enjoy in Italy the same privileges and immnnities are enjoyed by the personnel of the United State Embassy in Italy and the property of the Embassy and of its permaonL