Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/92

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Convention relate to the same subject matter, the two provisions shall, wherever possible, be treated as complementary, so that both provisions shall be applicable and neither shall narrow the effect of the other; but in any case of ab- solute conflict, the provisions of this agreement shall prevail. SECTION 27 This agreement shall be con- strued in the light of its primary purpose to enable the United Nations at its headquarters in the United States, fully and ef- ficiently to discharge its respon- sibilities and fulfill its purposes. SECTION 28 This agreement shall be brought into effect by an exchange of notes between the Secretary- General, duly authorized pursuant to a resolution of the General As- sembly of the United Nations,[ ' ] and the appropriate executive of- ficer of the United States, duly authorized pursuant to appropri- ate action of the Congress. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the respec- tive representatives have signed this Agreement and have affixed their seals hereto. DONE in duplicate, in the Eng- lish and French languages, both authentic, at Lake Success the twenty-sixth day of June 1947. meme question, les deux disposi- tions seront consider6es autant que possible, comme compl6men- taires, et s'appliqueront toutes deux sans que l'une d'elles ne puisse limiter les effets de l'autre. Toutefois, en cas de contradiction absolue, les dispositions du present accord pr6vaudront. SECTION 27 Le present accord sera inter- prete A la lumiere de son but fondamental, qui est de permettre Al'Organisation des Nations Unies de pleinement et efficacement exercer ses fonctions et d'atteindre ses buts au siege de son activit6 aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique. SECTION 28 Le present accord entrera en vigueur Ala suite d'un echange de notes entre le Secr6taire general, dtment autorise en vertu d'une resolution de l'Assemblee Generale de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, et l'autorite competente du pouvoir executif des Etats-Unis, dAment autorisee en vertu d'une mesure appropriee du Congres. EN FOI DE QUOI, les represen- tants respectifs ont signe le present protocole et y ont appose leurs cachets. FAIT en double exemplaire, en langue anglaise et en langue fran- gaise, les deux textes faisant Wgale- ment foi, ALake Success, le vingt- six juin 1947. FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: POUR LE GOUVERNEMENT DES ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE: G C MARSHALL SEAL] Secretary of State Secretaire d'Etat FOR THE UNITED NATIONS: POUR L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES: TRYGVE LIE [SEIA.] Secretary-General _ _ Secretairegeneral ' [U.N . doe. A/P.V. 101, Oct. 31, 1947.] Bringing of agree- ment into effect. Post, p. 3437. 61 Stat., Pt. 1,p. 756. Authentic lan- guages. 3434