Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/94

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. ANNEX 2 Maintenance of Utilities and Underground Construction Section 1 The Secretary-General agrees to provide passes to duly author- ized employees of The City of New York, the State of New York, or any of their agencies or sub- divisions, for the purpose of en- abling them to inspect, repair, maintain, reconstruct and relocate utilities, conduits, mains and sew- ers within the headquarters dis- trict. Section 2 Underground constructions may be undertaken by The City of New York, or the State of New York, or any of their agencies or sub-divisions, within the head- quarters district only after consul- tation with the Secretary-General, and under conditions which shall not disturb the carrying out of the functions of the United Nations. ANNEXE 2 Entretien des services d'utilite publique et constructions sou- terraines Section 1 Le Secr6taire g6n6ral convient de fournir des laissez-passer aux employ6s dtment autorises de la ville de New York, de l'Etat de New York, ou de toute agence ou circonscription de ladite ville ou dudit Etat, en vue de permettre a ces employes d'inspecter, re- parer, entretenir, reconstruire les services d'utilit6 publique, canali- sations, collecteurs et egotts, et de les d6placer, le tout Al'int6rieur du district administratif. Section 2 La ville de New York ou l'Etat de New York ou leurs agences ou circonscriptions ne pourront en- treprendre des constructions sou- terraines a l'int6rieur du district administratif qu'apres consulta- tion avec le Secretaire general, et de maniere a ne pas troubler l'accomplissement des fonctions de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. 3436