Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1065

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(;1 SrTT.] (.ENERAL AGREEMENT'()N TARIFFIS ANI) TRAI)E-(CT. 30. 194 A10 77 SCHEDULE XDI - UNITED KINGDOM Section A. Metropolitan territory PART I Division 1 (continued) Tariff Item No. Part and Group 3 i(6) 3 G.A.V. 3 G.A.V. 3 G.A.V. 3 G.A.V. 3 G.A .V. 3 G.A.V. 3 c.A .V. 3 I(7)(1) 3 C.A.V. 3 G.A.V. Nx3 I(7)(ii) 3 G.A.V. Bx3 1(7)(11i 1W I(7J)(ID Description of Products Brazil nuts, shelled NOTE: If at any time unshelled Brazil nuts exported from Brazil to the United Xingda are charged with export duties or other taxes which are not offset by corresponding export duties or taxes on shelled Brazil nuts exported from Brazil, then the Governnent of the United Kingdom shall be free to impose on shelled Brazil nuts, in addition to the 10% provided for in tas item, a duty equivalent to the amount by which the aforesaid export duties or taxes oD unshelled Brazil nuts exported froa Brazil exceed the duties or taxes aohrge on unshelled Brazil nuts supplied to the domestic shelling induetry. Brazil nuts, unshelled Walnuts in shell Pecan nuts, shelled or unshelled Croundnuts Coconuts Apricot stones Nutmegs Split pas Lentils Vegetables prserverod in airtight oontainers, but not inoluling Tegetables and piokles preserved in vinegar, the folloing:- Aspaagus Beans, with or without flavouring, but not including beans in pod Mai=e, including maine on oob (weet corn) Peas Othser, except tonatoes Rate of Duty 10% 5% 10% 10^ Free 10% 10 15% 1C0 10% 1