Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1102

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INTERNATIONAL AOREEIMENTS (THER THAN TREATIES 1i61 SAT. 0UU=x -MM=PD Section A. betropolitAn yerritcry PAir I Ditsdogo 1 (oontinued) Tariff Item No. Part ad Group 3 ExSptiomn 3 3xez tions 3 Exemptions J fzecptionI 3 3onptions 5 XwcaUon Description of Produota Cotton w.te, umnueuanturedi that is to may, aste arising i4 any promea up to and incluaing pnimdngor in the doubling preseea, or (not being a wste piece of tif.ue or of a like laterial) in the knitting or weaving or ancillary finihing prooesseO , whioh has not been eubjecb to any prooess after beooain waste Wool noils Tow of flax Rfag (including dimcaraod oollars, fronts apd aoffa of flax or cotton), not pulld, Wh y or partly of flax, ootton, henp, ,ute, roaie, wol or hair, but exluding rae wholly or partly of furskin Vegetable fibres of thb followig varietieB, not further dreased after soutohing or Obortioating:- Plax Bahia piaziaw. (nttalso funifera) Pare picasaaB (laIcldi4nia piAssaba) rdaaaar fibre (iotyoeperan fibroan) Ea of the vmrioty true hez (onmOis a.tia) Vegetabie fibres t follo ing Gesoription, not further iroee-ad after stripping 6a O0roa fibre (neoglasiovia variegate) Guaxio of the variety ere.n lobata Milkawed (aoepiau aIriaoand awpia. inoarata) Papoula da 8awxcaimoo (hbibiuM Tuoun or Tieu (bewoe #etoea) Rauc , not dresed Rate of Dut Fre Ire. Free Iree ie Free IFree . .. A1114