Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1351

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INDEX Entry Into Force --. _.. Percentage shares of total external trade for determination respecting Exceptions: General.... ... . Security---- ---

---. Exchange Arrangements _ .. ... Interpretative note -. __ __ Exchange Regulations, provision for coll- sultation - -

. - .---- Exportation. See Importation and Ex- portation. F Films, Cinematograph: Restrictions inapplicable to internal quantitative regulations... Special provisions relating to----- Final Act, Preparatory Committee of United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Second Session Signatories -..

Frontier Traffic --- .. - Interpretative note_- ----- G General Agreement: Acceptance --- .-- . Deposit of instruments_ ____ Interpretative note .. .. . Territorial application ... Accession, provision for -- Amendment, supplement, or mainte- 1nance, meeting for agreement oil Amendmlents, effective (late, procedure Annexes, made integral part of Agree- enl llt Authentic texts Entry into force_ --- .. .. Percentage shares of total external trade for determination respect- ing -- - - . _. Interpretative notes ------ Joint action by contracting parties__ First meeting, convening by Secre- tary-General of United Nations- Operation, consultation on matters affecting -------- Registration . _____.. Signature, date of........ Territorial application .. __.... Interpretative note....... Text. Publication, release by Secretary- General of United Nations ._ Withdrawal -- Amendments, nonacceptance of______ Notice to Secretary-General of United Pag A7 A8 A6 A6 A4 A8 A6 All A 2 1 Ae Al A6f A8C A6C A69 A9( A69 A75 A73 A74 A75 A69 A70 A84 A85 A68 A68 A64 A70 A69 A66 A89 All A7 A74 A74 Natiola

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AV. , A.I I Import Restrictions or Prohibitions: Conditions .. Exceptions_______ .___ __ Interpretative notes_______ __ Consultations on ____ Secrecy in conduct of ... . Import quotas, notice, allocation of shares -- - .... Interpretative notes ______ _ _ Limitations on ----..--. . - Interpretative note--------- _ Importation and Exportation. See also Customs; Import Restrictions or Prohibitions. Emergency action on imports of partic- ular products ------- _ __ - __ - __ _ Fees and charges, other than duties, limitation on_____ _ _ _ _ _ Interpretative note ....- .- - Formalities connected with _. .. Interpretative note --- _____-____ Penalties, limitation ___________ Monopolies on importation- Interpretative note ----- __ _..__ _ Limitation____ .- ---. - Most-favored-nation treatment, general Charter of International Trade Or- ganization, effect of entry into force -- - . - . .-- -- -- Interpretative note ----- _ Quantitative restrictions- Elimination of... . .. Entry into force in respect of certain export restrictions. Exceptioons. Interpretative note - ... Nondiscriminatory administration of Entry into force, limitation of__ Exceptions ... _________ Interpretative note------_ _ State-trading operations, inclusionl_ India, trade arrangements with Pakistan_ Interpretative note ----_ __---___--- nterim Agreements, adoption, restriction_ nternal Taxation and Regulation: Charter of International Trade Organi- zation, effect of entry into force _ -- National treatment on------------ nternational Monetary Fund: Consultation on exchange questions __ Currency conversion, formulation of rules for ------------- Membership of contracting parties -_ _ - nternational Trade Organization, Charter of, relation of Agreement to-------- . I-, -4. - alr __.t*o /r-t - -- _____-- anLeIHrpreiuae IUnoe, ueneru Agreememu- 0 A-II Page A40 A44 A88 A38 A39 A40 A88 A34 A87 A58 A28 A87 A28 A87 A29 A86 A15 A12 A72 A85 A 32 A48 A33 A87 A40 A48 A43 A88 A34 A67 A89 A66, A67 A72 A18 A49 A27 A50 A72 A85