Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/464

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INTIERNATIONAL A(GlEEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 SrAT. SCHEDOU V - CANADA Part I - (Cont'd) aansdiu Tariff It4 lmber Bate of Duty 65e 563 554 554b x a5M ex 554e ex 549d 554f Deosription of Produote Blanket, wholly or in part of wool or hair, not to in- elud horee blankets, automobile or steamer rus, or imilar artilo .. .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... and, per poun Stotypers' and typeoasters' blankets or blanketing and pre blanketa or blanketing used for printing preses, of a elass or kind not made in Canada ................... Wovn fabrios, ecmposed wholly or in ohief part by weight of yarns of wool or hair, not exceeding in weight six oanees to the equare yard, n.o.p., when iaported in the ay or unfinished oonditlon, for the purpose of being dyed r finished in Canada .............................. and, per poung Woven fabrios, consisting of ootton warps with wetts of lustre wool, mohair or alpaoa, generally knowa as lutres ar Italian linings, n.o .p . ... ... .... ... ... .... ... .. woen fabrios camposed wholly or in part of yarn of wool or hair, .o .p ... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... ... and, per pound ovean fabrios, ocaposed wholly or in chief part by weight of yarns of wool or hair, not exoeeding in weight eight ounes to the square yard, t.o .p . ......... ............... and, pe pound Provided, hoewrer, that the sum of the specifo and ad valor-e duties shall not be in exoese of ........ per pound oven fabrics, omaposed wholly or in ohief part by weight of yru of wool or hair, not exceeding in weight four ounoes to the squar yard, when imported in the gray or unrinished oondition, for the purpose of being dyed or finished in Canada ....................................... and, per pound Filter press cloth of wool or hair (except human hair). and, per pound Woven fabrics, composed wholly or in part of yarns of wool or hair, commonly known as billiard cloth .......... and, per pound 25 p.o. 20 eta. 5 p.o. 20 p.O. 17t ota. 80 p.o. 27 p.c. 30 ate. 27?p.o . 1.00 20 p.0. 15 cts. 15 p.o. 30 cts. 20 p.c. 25 cts.