Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/465

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A467 SCHEIE V - CANADA Part I - (Conttd) caif iae Tarifft Ite Nuaber 555 S8a 556b 5ee Deocriptio of Products Clothing, wearing apparel and articles nmde from woven fabrics, and all textile manufactures, wholly or partially manufactured, composed wholly or in part of wool or similar animal fibres, but of which the coa- ponent of ohief value is not silk nor synthetic textile fibres or filaments, n.o .p .; fabrios, coated or im- pregnatei, composed wholly or in part of yarns of wool or hair, but not containing silk nor synthetic textile fibres or fllaents, n.o .p . .. .... ... ... .... ... .... ... Hlton cloth, imported by anufacturers of tennis balls for use in the nufacture of tennis balls, in their own aotories ............................................ and, per poun Slipper cloth, wovan, napped on one or both sides, wholly or in part of wool, not to contain silk or synthetic textile fibres or filaments, weighing not less than 22 ounces per square yard, when imported by manufacturers of indoor footwear, to be used exclusively in the manu- facture of suoh artiolea in their own factories ........ BioYing, yarnl and warpsa wolly of synthetio textile fibres or fllamnts, not more advraned than singles, not ooloured, ith not more then seven turns to the inch, under suoh regulatio em the inlister ay prescribsl- (a) Proieod from allulooe aoetate ................... bl not olees W a ........................ per pon tb) W.o .p . ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... but not lee than ....................... per poU (1) Slvin. yarxs and Urp, wholly r in prt of silk, n.o.p., inlludnlg thred, eoords or tuwit for swing, embrol4wing or other purpoee ......................... (Ii) Silk yan Wholly or partially ooered with retllic strip, me pound of whith -611 cltaia not lea the 10000 r . ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... Rate of Dut3 E7t p.c . 27t p.o. 20 etc. 27j p.a. X1 p.c.

  • 4 eta.

24 p.o. 4 p.e. 2&* P.O.

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