Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/685

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SCHEDUL X - CZECHOSLOVALIA PART I (Continued) Cseohoslowak Tariff Item Number Description of products XLVII. VARNISHES, COLOURB, PHAIYbCEUTICAL WARES AND PWFUkZRY. Col ours* Colours not specially provided fore others ultramarine blue ........................... All colours in the form of tablets etc., Li small bags, pastes, tubes, bladders, cups, glasses, shells and boxes ..................... Inks, ink powder, sealing wax .................. Pharmaoeutioal ware and perfumery Pharmaceutical wares, prepared, as well as all substances represented by the inscriptions thereon, by their labela, wrappers and the like aa being medicines, also medicines for animals; wadding and bandages prepared for medicinal purposes pharmaceutical wares, prepared, as well as substanoee represented by the inseriptions thereon, by their labels, wrappers and Lhe like as being medicines, also medicines for animals otherl otherl prepared for retail sales fish oil ............................ others fish oil ........................... Vinegar, fats and oils, perfumedt in receptacles weighing 5 kilografi.Qr noqr in receptacles under 5 kilograms .............. ex 626 ex b) 627 628 ex 630 ex a) ex 3. ex 1. ex 2. 631 a) b) Rate of duty Kce per 100 kilograeas 850.- 2000. - 800.- 2000, - 2000.- 600.- 2250. -