Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/782

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Franoh Tariff itmu o. Doeoription of Produeot lone tn 99,600 . ... ... .... ... ... .. 99,500 and aor .................... 0abled, m he, blh e,

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eroed, bleaohed, dyed or printed................ Speclal or fanoy, aubleahed, esoured, oruend, bleohed, 4yd or printed4....... Tarn of pur* ootto, or aeslilat^d yan, glated or -mroerimed, not put-up fer retail Ialet twisted, vublmeaed, sooured, eremed, bleoohed, dyed or printed, mJwrin to the 4t. in single yan: e1s thea 99,600 a. .. .... ... ... .... . 99,S00 a. and mr.................... o&bled, ubleaohed, eooured, aemr-d, blaehed, dyed or printd................ speoial or facy, uobleaohed, oaureod, ereamd, bleched, ,yed or prtated....... lixed otton yarn, not put-up ftr retail sle arn of pure ora ixd cotton, put-up for retail salet either gloaed nor i-roee ed, ppt-ap on woodei bobbiau................... ,, oteieee ,............................ A79 0 RBte of Dut ad valorem 1s% 20% 20% o6% 20% 20% 20% Sam duties as yn aooording to kind, of tho sost highly taed textile n the form of yarn, *exitin in the ixture in a proportion above 1 % 10% 924D 824X 9265C 92e5 926 8UA