Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1440

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CXVIII President of the United States-Con. Appointments by-Continued. Air Force-Continued. Judge Advocate General, U. S. Air Force------------------- Officers restored to active list - -- Alaska, governor, attorneys, judges, and marshals -------- Arkansas River compact, retired Army officer as U. S . represent- ative---------------------- _- Army, Department of the- General, permanent grade, one officer in, authorized ----- _ __ Judge Advocate General and cer- tain members of Judge Advo- cate General's Corps-------- Officers restored to active list --- _ Boards of Visitors to Naval Academy and Military Academy, six per- sons------------------------- Coast and Geodetic Survey, com- missioned officers------------_ Commodity Credit Corporation, Board of Directors -------- __- Displaced Persons Commission------ Economic Cooperation Administra- tion- Administrator------------ _ _ - - - - Deputy Administrator --. ...... Public Advisory Board -- __.--__. United States Special Representa- tive in Europe----------- _- Federal Prison Industries, Inc., board of directors --................. Additional member ----------- . - Joint Commission on Rural Recon- struction in China, two members- Judges- Circuit judges ------------ ___-- _ District judges------------ . .. . - - Retired, successors to------------ Substitutes -------------. - __ _ _. Justice, Department of, Federal Re- formatory for Women, Board of Advisers, four members -_ _ _ _ _- Motor Carrier Claims Commission___ Navy, Department of the- Admiral, permanent grade, one officer in, authorized _.. ... ... Naval Operations, Chief and Vice Chief -----. -. --. ....-.---- Pan American Railway Congress, U. S. delegates and alternates_ - - Public Health Service, permanent promotions of officers-_---. .-- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, board of direotor-- .- -- ... .. .- INDEX rage 1014 1082 987 1134 1052 643 1082 1094 299 1073 1012 138 139 141 141 851 1100 159 871 895 903 903 856 1222 1053 67 1060 42 263 President of the United States-Con. Appointments by-Continued. Selective Service System- Director------______..-__.___- Local board members------------- State directors ------- ...... .... Snake River, division of waters be- tween Idaho and Wyoming, U. S. representative---- - _- - - - - ___- South Pacific Commission, Commis- sioners and alternates --- ... ... State, two Assistant Secretaries, con- tinuance of authorization--- __ - United States attorneys ---- __---- War Claims Commission_ ._ _ _ _ _ __ - Washington and Lee University Bi- centennial Commission, United States, four members --------- Water Pollution Control Advisory Board, six members----------- Women's Army Corps- Page 618 619 619 294 15 670 909 1241 389 1158 Commissioned officers---------- 357, 361 Officers' Reserve Corps ---------- 362 Arming of American vessels, authority__ 1095 Authentications of foreign documents, commissions to consular officers, authority to prescribe regulations__ 836 Caribbean Commission, acceptance of membership for United States, au- thorized ---------------- __-----_ 66 Citizenship requirements, etc., for cer- tain employees, suspension author- ity------------. .- - -- - - - 594,668,1025 Codification and enactment into positive law of title 3, I:nited States Code, "The President"-------------- - 672 Repeal of prior provisions --------- . 681 Designations by- Filipinos for instruction at Naval Academy -------------------- 583 World Health Assembly and Execu- tive Board of World Health Or- ganization, delegates, etc------- Economic Cooperation Act of 1948. See separate title. Emergency fund for the President, ap- propriation for; restriction --- Executive Mansion- Appropriation for--------------. . - Furniture, recommendations, etc---- Public property in, custody; inven- 441 177 177 679 tory------------------------- 679 Structural and fire hazards, plans for elimination of, appropriation for- 216 Executive Office- Appropriation for ----- . -- -- - -. 177,1196 Economic Advisers, Council of, appro- priation for------------------- 178