Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1219

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2508 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. ANNEX. (Interpre-tative Notes) 1. It is understood that the requirements Ante, p. 2482. of paragraph 1 (a) of Article II, relating to the adoption of measures for the efficient use of resources, would include, with respect to commodities furnished under the Agreement, effective measures for safeguarding such commodities and for preventing their diversion to illegal or irregular markets or channels of trade. 2. It is understood that the obligation Ante,p.248. under paragraph 1 (c) of Article II to balance the budget as soon as practicable would not preclude deficits over a short period but would mean budgetary policy involving the balancing of the budget in the long run. 3. It is understood that the business Iractices and business arrangements referred Ante, p.2488 . to in paragraph 3 of Article II mean: (a) fixing prices, terms or conditions to be observed in dealing with others in the purchase, sale or lease of any product; (b) excluding enterprises from, or allocating or dividing, any terri- torial market or field of business activity, or allocating customers, or fixing sales quotas or purchase quotas; (c) ds criminating against particular enterprises; (d) limiting production or fixing production quotas; (e) preventing by agreement the development or application of technology or invention whether patented or unpatented; (f) extending the use of rilehts under patents, trademarks or copyrights granted by either country to matters which, according to its laws and regulations, are not within the scope of such grants, or to products or conditions of production, use or sale which are likewise not the subjects of such