Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1253

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT, Economic Cooperation Agreement between the United States of America and Sweden. Preamble. The Governments of the United States of America and Sweden: Recognizing that the restoration or maintenance in Eropean countries of principles of individual liberty, free instittio2s, and genuine in- dependence rests lartely upon the esteblishnent of sound economic con- ditions, stable international econo- mic relationships, and the achieve- ment by the countries of Europe of a healthy economy independent of extraordinary outside assistance; Secognizing that a strong and prosperous European economy is essential for the attainment of the purposes of the United Nations; Considering that the achievement of sach conditions calls for a European recovery plan of self-help and cutual cooperation, open to all nations which cooperate in such a plan, based upon a strong production effort, the expansion of foreign trade, the creation or maintenance of internal financial stability and the development of economic coopera- tion, including all possible steps iverenskomr;else angaeede ekcoioaskt samarbete mellan Amarikas FOrenta Stater och Sverige. InledninA Amerikas FSrcnt. Staters och Sveriges re., e ringar: som -ro medvetna on att ett ater3tallande eller uppra-tthsllande i Europas lander av grandsatserna on individens frihet, fria institu- tioner och verklig oavhangighet tZ. stor del a bar-oene av att sunda ekono4ieska forhAllanden och stabila internationella e:cnomiska firbin- delser skapss saat --v at.t Europas lander uppn3 sunt ekonomiskt liv utsn beroende 'av sarskild hjalp utifrAn; som aro medvetna om att sunda ekonomiska forhtllanden i Europa aro vasentliga fSrutsattningar for att fdrverkliga Forenta Nationer- nas syftemLl; som anse, att uppn&endet av sa- dana fvrhQllanden krdver en euro- peisk ateruppbyggnadsplan for sjalv. hjElp och omsesidicgt samarbete, Op-. pen for alia nationer vilka med- verka i ea sAdan plan, grandad pA starka produ ktionsan strangnin;ar, utvidgning -v utrikes.handeln, ska- pande eller uppratthAllande av inre finansiell stabilitet och utveck- landet av e:ono:wiskt samarbete, 2542 Principles of Agree- ment.