Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1266

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62 STAT.] SWEDEN-ECONOMIC OOOPERATION-JULY 3, 1948 and will make it available to the media of public.infoxmation. 3. The Government of Sweden will encourage the dissemination of such information both directly and in cooperation with the Organi- zation for European Economic Coopera- tion. It will make such information available to the media of public in- formation and take all practicable steps to ensure that appropriate facilities are provided for such dissemination. It will further provide other participating count- ries and the Organization for European Economic Cooperation with full in- formation on the progress of the program for economic recovery. 4. The Government of Sweden will rake public in Sweden in each calen- dar .qarter, full statements of operations under this Agreement, inclnding information as to the use of funds, commodities and ser- vices received. Article VIII (Missions) 1. The Government, of Sweden agreesto receive a Special Mission for Economic Cooperation which will discharge the responsibilities of the Government of the United States of America in Sweden under this Agreement. 2. The Government of Sweden tillgangliga for allman nyhets- formedling. 3. Bveriges regering lkommer att, savdl direkt scii samverkan med Organisationen for europeiskt eko- nomiekt samiabete, uppmuntra att sadana upplysningar. sprida3. Den komner att gra' upplysningarna tillgangliga genom organen for allman nyhetsformedling och vid- taga alla genomfirbara ftgarder for att trygga att dndamalsenliga anordningar for sAdan nyhetsfor- medling ro'tillfinnandes. Den kommer vidare att fUrse ovriga del- tagande linder samt Organisationen for europeiskt ekonomiskt samarbe- te me.d fullstandiga uppgifter om framstegen i programmet ftor eko- nomisk Ateruppbyggnad. 4. Sveriges regering kommer att varje kvartal i Sverige offent- liggora fullstandiga redogorelser for atgtranden enligt denna 5ver- enskommelse, daribland nppgifter angaende anvaudningen av mottagna medel, varor och tjanster. Artikel VIII (Representation) 1. Sverigee regering eamtycker till att mottaga en edrskild dele- gationl on r knomiakt samarbete, som kommer att utfora vad son en- ligt denna Overenskommelse aakom- mar ps PFrenta Staterna inoa Sv- rige. 2. Sverigee regering komser att 2555 Quarterly state- ments of operations. Bpecial mission as rtof U. S. Em- Post, p. 2564.