Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1339

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INDEX Income Taxes, Prevention of Fiscal Eva. sion, Convention Respecting: Denmark ---------------- _ _ - ...-- --- Netherlands ------------ _-----__-__ India: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30 , 1947- Contracting party to, proclamation respecting ---------------- _-_ Supplementation agreements- Article XIV, special protocol modi- fying .------------- -------- Declaration pursuant to Article XXIX, sub-paragraph 2 (a)___ Modification of certain provisions, protocol respecting -------- _ _ Rectifications, protocol of------ . . Treaties- Agriculture, International Institute of, q.v . Labor Organization, International, q.v . Public Health, International Office of, q.v. Industrial Property Rights Affected by World War II, restoration of, supple- mentary agreement with France---- Information Service in Europe, U. S., printing of additional copies of report of Mundt subcommittee of House Committee on Foreign Affairs_____ Ingram, William, Jr., pardon of--_ _ - - -- Ino, Toru, pardon of ---- __ ________ __-- Inoue, Chozo, pardon of...._ __ __ __ __ __ _ Inouye, George Washington, pardon of__ Inter-American Bar Association, welcome by Congress to conference in United States.....___ _____.. ........__ _. Inter-American Coffee Agreement, modifi- cation and extension.------ -------. Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal As- sistance ----------------------- __ Inter-County Telephone and Telegraph Co., easement near Fort Myers Army Airfield, Fla--------------------- Intergovernmental Claims, settlement of, modification of agreement of Mar. 27, 1946, United Kingdom------------- Interior, Department of the: James S. McDonald Post 5054, VFW, Powell, Wyo., conveyance ------ Patent in fee, issuance to- Arens, Florence A. W ..------ ------ Black Dog, James----------------- Clincher, Calvin W--------------- Compton, John F. (John Crazy Bull)_ Doyle, James Perry---------------- Page 1730 1757 1521 2000 1988 1992 1962 1876 1428 1450 1450 1450 1450 1433 1658 1681 1369 2034 1370 1387 1315 1314 1374 1328 Interior, Department of the-Continued Patent in fee, issuance to-Continued Doyle, Robert E---------. -. ..- -- - Eagleman, Tom-------------- __ _ _ _ Ghost Bear, Charles, Sr----- . ----- - Growing Four Times--------------- Kills the Enemy, Charles-------- __ _ Leaf, Mrs. Mary E ------------- __ Love, James P_ ----- ----.- ----_ __ . Milliken, Claude E---------------- Pretty On Top, Mabel Townsend- _ Scott, Clarence M---_ __ _ __ _ -- -- Williams, Jonah --------------- ___ International Agreements Other Than Treaties. See also Treaties, and Part 3 of this volume. Austria- Assistance to people of ------ ____- Economic cooperation-- -------- ___ Belgium, economic cooperation---_ _ __ _ Brazil- Military advisory mission to_______ Military personnel, U. S. stationed in Brazil, Brazilian in U. S --. ... .. Burma- Publications, official, exchange of._ __ U. S . Educational Foundation, estab- lishment--__---------_______ _- Canada- Fur seals, provisional agreement of Dec. 8, 19, 1942, amendment___ Shellfish industries, sanitary practices - China, claims resulting from activities of U. S. military forces.--------- Colombia, civil aviation mission ----__ Costa Rica, food production program, cooperative --------------- _- ___ Denmark, economic cooperation------- France- Assistance to people of---____ _--_ Dual nationality, military obligations of persons having -----........ Economic cooperation ___________- Industrial property rights affected by World War II, restoration of, supplementary agreement re- specting -------------------- _ Germany- French Zone of Occupation, eco- nomic cooperation ----.. ...... United States and United Kingdom Occupied Areas, economic co- operation----------------_ _ __ Greece- Economic cooperation -. ... .. ... ..- U. S . Educational Foundation, estab- lishment -------------------- Page 1327 1315 1313 1342 1314 1327 1374 1342 1326 1327 1313 1829 2137 2173 2125 1957 1892 1814 1821 1898 2116 1884 2045 2199 1823 1950 2223 1876 2251 2279 2293 1901 CLXXIX