Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1343

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CLXXXIII Kostiuk, Johannes, admission for perma- nent residence, amendment of pro- visions respecting ---- ________-___- Kostiuk, Julia, admission for permanent residence, amendment of provisions respecting --- _-__----_____-___.-- Kostiuk, Michael, admission for perma- nent residence, amendment of pro- visions respecting ..._- _ ____ _- __. _- Kostiuk, William, admission for perma- nent residence, amendment of pro- visions respecting --- __ --_ --- --- __ Koziatek, Steve Anthony, pardon of---- . Kratz, E. L., payment to--------------- Kraus, Otto, payment to--------------- Kraushaar, Lawrence Frederick, pardon of ------------------------------ Krausz, Gisela. See Perl, Gisela. Krigbaum, Claude Forrest, pardon of --- Krisfalusi, Charles, Jr., pardon of ------ Krouse, Ewald Theodore, pardon of - _ -_ Kruse, Clarence Willard, pardon of ----- Kruszewski, Charles, payment to------- Kubo, Tomeo, pardon of--------------- Kubo, Yoshi, pardon of----- __- - - - -- - - Kuhns, Henry Welty, pardon of -------- Kujawa, Anthony, pardon of------------ Kulick, John Myron, pardon of -------- Kumada, Kazuo, pardon of ------------ Kupanook, Raphael P., payment to ----- Kuramoto, Yutaka Ted, pardon of------ Kuranaga, Heruyuki, pardon of---- ..- -- Kurasaki, George Noboru, pardon of - - - Kuromiya, Yoshita, pardon of --------- Kuroye, Kenneth, pardon of----------- Kuwada, Makoto Jim, pardon of . -- - -- Kuwahara, John Takashi, parloll of-- L Labistre, Francisco Kallskisan, pardon of Labor-Management Relations, Joint Com- mittee on, printing of additional copies of report ------------------------ Labor Organization, International, Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946-- Labus, Joseph, pardon of-------------- Lackey, Cecil Howard, pardon of------- Lackey, Ewell Wendell, pardon of------ Lackey, Vernon Cay, pardon of -- --- -- Laier, John Gilbert, pardon of--------- La-Madrid Angeles, Cristeta, admission for permanent residence----------- Lambert, Allan Clay, pardon of ------- Lambert, Elwood Albert, pardon of ---- Lambert, George Patrick, pardon of --- Lamborn, Robert Earl, pardon of ------- Lampert, Arthur John, pardon of------- Lampman, Duncan Logan, pardon of---- Landis, Luke Graybill, pardon of-------- Page 1357 1357 1357 1357 1452 1383 1416 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1339 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1408 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1429 1672 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1357 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1453 1453 Lane, Keith (Gray Whiskers), payment to heirs of ---------------------- Lane, Robert Westphal, pardon of------- Lara Jaramillo, Apolinar, pardon of ----- Laroche, Donat, payment to----------- Laroche, Laura, payment to----------- Larson, Leonard Merlin, pardon of------ Lartigue, Emeline, payment to--------- Lauritzen, Robert E., payment to; correc- tion of military records; honorable discharge

Lausa, Philip, pardon of---------------- Lavery, Joseph William, pardon of ----- Lavretsky, Ivan, payment to----------- Lawrence, Fred John, pardon of-------- Leaf, Mrs. Mary E., issuance of patent in fee to, authorized-------------- Learned, John Raymond, pardon of------ Lebanon: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947- Contracting party to, proclamation respecting------------------ Supplementation agreements- Article XIV, special protocol modi- fying ---------------------- Declaration pursuant to Art. XXIX, sub-paragraph 2 (a)-- Modification of certain provisions, protocol respecting-------- Rectifications, protocol of-------- Leckwatch, Michael, pardon of--------- Le Compte, Olin Harper, pardon of ----- Lee, Mrs. Carrie M., payment to. --- --- Lee, Frank C., payment to ----------- Lee, Ralph Benjamin, pardon of-.. ... .. Lee, Robert Earnest. pardon of ...- .. ... Lee, Tommy K., paylment to ... ........ Leld, Aaron Weaver, pardon of........ - Leiss, Edward A., pardon of .- ----- ---- Lend-Lease Settlement Agreements: Norway-------------------------- United Kingdom---------- 1836, 2027 Yugoslavia----------------------- Lew, Arktoy, pardon of--------------- Lewis, Anthony, payment to.----------. Lewis, Buster, pardon of------------- Lewis, Evins, pardon of----. . ..

Lewis, Herbert William Matterson, par- don of -------------------------- Lewis, Jesse, pardon of--------------- Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. M . C ., payment to-- Lewis, Neil Bernard, pardon of-------- Liang, Esther Chang (Dr.), admission for permanent residence-------------- Liang, Timothy C. H. (Dr.), admission for permanent residence--------------- Liang Chen Yi, payment to------------- Libby, Alice, payment to------------- Page 1318 1453 1450 1330 1330 1453 1386 1369 1453 1453 1314 1453 1327 1453 1529 2000 1988 1992 1962 1453 1453 1382 1314 145:1 1453 1409 145:1 1453 1848 2034 2133 1453 1409 1453 1453 1453 1453 1380 1453 1367 1367 1314 1339 INDEX