Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1354

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INDEX Servicemen and Dependents, manual ex- planatory of privileges, rights, and benefits, printing of pamphlet as House document----------------- Sexton, Dempsy Ray, pardon of __- -- - -- Sham-Tai Chau, payment to_ --- --- --_ Sharp, Mrs. Clinton R., admission for permanent residence -------------- Sharp, James Louis, pardon of -------- Sharp, Milton Clifford, pardon of____.__. Shaughnessy, Frank J., credit to internal- revenue account of---_ __ __ -- -_ --- __ Shaunessy, Edward, pardon of --- __ __ Sheehan, Patrick J., payment to _ - __ __ - Sheldon, William K., payment to.- -- -- -. Shellfish Industries, Sanitary Practices in, agreement with Canada __- -- -_- -- - Shelton, Virgil, pardon of _- -_ ____- ____ - Shepard, Duane D., pardon of-------_ _ Sherman, Edgar P., pardon of--__-___. Sherman, James Oddsey, pardon of - - Sherrard, Thomas D., removal of charge of indebtedness from records; payment to---------------------------- _ _ . Sherwood, Paul Robert, pardon of ______ Shibata, Takeo, pardon of _____________ Shicemasa, George Takeshi, pardon of___ Shimada, Harry Masao, pardon of - _- .- _ Shimane, Chester Toru, pardon of ---- __ Shimane, Fred Katsumi, pardon of _ - - _. Shimane, George Fujio, pardon of---_ _ _ - Shimane, Isamu, pardon of--_ _ _ _ _ . .- - Shimane, June, pardon of ----------- _ _ Shimizu, Mineto, pardon of ---------- _ _ Shimizu, Sunao Mike, pardon of-- .. _-- Shimpo, Toshio Tom, pardon of ---. .. .. Shindlebower, Charles Frederick, pardon of--- ........................... Shinta, Kengi, pardon of------_ __ __ . Shinzu, Osamu Sam, pardon of- ... __. Shirk, Abraham Wenger, pardon of___. . Shirk, Amos Souder, pardon of --_ - . _ _- - Shirk, David, pardon of -------- ... _- Shirk, Elam Sauder, pardon of--- _ _ _ _ _ Shirk, John, pardon of_____...._____- Shirk, Weaver Weber, pardon of -. . ._ _ _ Shoemaker, Francis D., payment to estate of ---------------. _________ Showalter, Harry Edward, pardon of -. _ Shubin, John Andrew, pardon of _- - - __ _ Siam, Treaties With: Agriculture, International Institute of, q.v . Public Health, International Office of, q.v . Sideris, Nicholas Charles, pardon of .... Sigler, James D., payment to........... Silas, Alfred, payment to-- ........... Page 1431 1459 1314 1300 1459 1459 1307 1459 1315 1408 1898 1459 1459 1459 1459 1319 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1350 1459 1459 1459 1404 1408 Silas Mason Company, Inc., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim ____________ Silva, John, Jr., pardon of ---__----___- Silverstein, Manfried, pardon of ---- _ __ Simalton, Willie Lee, pardon of--- __ _ _. Simmons, Johnie, pardon of --------- __ Simms, Arthur Eugene, pardon of---- . . - Simms, William, pardon of--------_ __ Simon, Albert, pardon of----__ __ __ __ _- Simon, Edward David, pardon of -- ___- Simpson, Kenneth F., pardon of _______ Simpson, Kirkland Roland, pardon of--_- Siteman, Stephen Francis, pardon of-- _- _ Skees, Walter Vernon, pardon of--- _ _ __ _ Slater, Guy B., payment to -___________ Sleeva, Albert, Jr., pardon of -- ______.- Slenes, John C., payment to -_. _____ _. . Slump, Darwin, payment to-_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ - Smiley, Michael, pardon of .- -- ______.- Smilnak, Michael, pardon of--- ______- - Smith, Adolph, pardon of__------------_ Smith, Alton Dewdrop, pardon of ----- __ Smith, Calvin C., pardon of--___. _____- Smith, Charles J., payment to ---- ___ Smith, Clarence, pardon of ------ _____- Smith, Clyde Leon, pardon of---- ___.- Smith, Donald Tait, pardon of-__ _ _ __ _ Smith, Ernest, pardon of--__________ Smith, George, pardon of --- ________ Smith, Henry Alex, pardon of _______ _- Smith, James C., credit in account---.. Smith, James Edward, pardon of_ -- -- __ Smith, James Russell, pardon of-----. __ Smith, John Paul, pardon of..__. ... .. Smith, John Wesley, pardon of-. ... .. . Smith, Mrs. Raiford D., payment to-. . . . . Smith, Roosevelt Snue, pardon of ._ .. Smith, T. S., and Sons, Bridgeville, Del., payment to---------------. .. . -_ __ Smith, Wesley Graham, pardon of----- .. Smith, William, pardon of ---------- __- Smith, Willie James, pardon of_ - -_ -- _ Smorczewska, Mrs. Maria, admission for permanent residence ---- ____. --__- Snyder, Doris E., payment to-- ____ .__- Snyder, Harry, payment to ---------- __ Sohriakoff, Fred Steve, pardon of ._ -- __ Solabarrieta, Santiago, admission for per- manent residence.----------__-__- Solis, Miguel Ramirez, pardon of -- __ _- Sookiayak, Henry H., payment to. -. ... South Africa, Union of: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947- Contracting party to, proclamation respecting .- ... -- - ______.__ _. Supplementation, protocol of rectifi- cations - ------. - __ .. .. ... ..- - Page 1421 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1341 1459 1409 1344 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1299 1459 1459 1459 1460 1460 1460 1346 1460 1460 1460 1460 1322 1460 1383 1460 1460 1460 1357 1400 1408 1460 1406 1460 1408 1520 1962 CXCIV