Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1355

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INDEX South Africa, Union of-Continued Treaties- Agriculture, International Institute of, q.v. Labor Organization, International, q.v. Public Health, International Office of, q.v. Sugar, regulation of production and marketing, prolongation of agree- ment of May 6, 1937----------- Whaling, regulation of- International convention, Dec. 2, 1946 -------------------- Protocol of Nov. 26, 1945, exten- sion-------------------- Southern Rhodesia: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947- Contracting party to, proclamation respecting ------------------ Supplementation, protocol of rectifi- cations--------------------- Soviet Socialist Republics, Union of, Treaties With: Public Health, International Office of, q.v. Whaling, regulation of- International convention, Dec. 2, 1946------------------------- Protocol of Nov. 26, 1945, extension- _ Spadavecchia, Nicholas, pardon of------- Spain: Agriculture, International Institute of, treaty respecting, q.v. German property in Spain, liquidation of, agreement -.------------.... Spanish War Veterans, representation on delegation to ceremonies on anniver- sary of sinking of Maine; funds avail- able -------------------------- Spaulding, John Floyd, pardon of------ Spevak, Abraham, payment to--------- Spivey, Elbert, payment to------------ Spore, William Charles, pardon of------- Sprouffske, A. J., payment to --------- Sprouse, Philip D., payment to -------- Staffiero, Frank, pardon of ----------- Stafford, Willie Jack, pardon of-------- Staggers, Eugenia Ford, pardon of ----- Stalker, Jacob A., payment to--------- Stalnaker, Frankie, payment to -------- Stalnaker, Stanley Eugene, pardon of -- Stanke, John Peter, pardon of--------- Stanley, Lew Victor, pardon of -- ----- Stanley, Nita H., payment to --------- Stanley-Yelverton, Inc., payment to----- Page 1654 1716 1577 1521 1962 1716 1577 1460 2061 1426 1460 1363 1381 1460 1334 1314 1460 1460 1460 1408 1307 1460 1460 1460 1323 1323 Stanton, Dennis, consideration of claim- _ Stanton, Richard Manny, pardon of ---- Starbuck, George, payment to ------- Stark, Walter William, pardon of------ Starling, Sylvester T., payment to ---- Stasko, Melvin Edward, pardon of------ Stauffer, Aaron Brubaker, pardon of --- Stauffer, Titus Gehman, pardon of----- Steele, Charles Arthur, pardon of ----- Steele, Merle Everett, pardon of------ Stefula, John, pardon of .

Stein, Beryl, pardon of _

Steinert, Sturge, pardon of -------- Stephanes, Ioannis (John Stephens), admission for permanent residence__ - Stephens, Carroll Palmer, pardon of - - Stephens, John (Ioannis Stephanes), ad- mission for permanent residence --- Stephens, Robert Winston, pardon of - -- Stern, Lee Donald, pardon of

Stevens, Eval Stanley, pardon of ------- Stevens, Teddy Roosevelt, pardon of---- Stevenson, Jerome Edward, pardon of__ - Steveson, Willie P., pardon of---------- Stone, Heber Pearse, pardon of------- Strait, Cedric W., pardon of -------- Strate, Ruben Arnold, pardon of------ "Strategy and Tactics of World Com- munism", printing of additional copies of report and supplements as House document----------------- Strege, Daniel Julius, pardon of-------- Strege, Galveston Carl, pardon of------- Stricklen, Tonsil, pardon of --------- _ Stricklin, Gordon A., pardon of ----- Strobel, Charles Quentin, pardon of--- Strong, E. W ., payment to---------- --- Stucky, Carl J., pardon of.----------- Stull, Donald Edmond, pardon of------ Sturdivant, Horace, pardon of---------- Sugar, Regulation of Production and Mar- keting, prolongation of agreement of May 6, 1937, multilateral protocol_- Sugihara, George Jiro, pardon of-------- Sugita, George, pardon of ------------- Sugita, Toyoji, pardon of--------------- Suko, Shoji, pardon of ------------ Sullivan, Herman, pardon of---------- Sullivan, John Edward, pardon of----- Sumi, Noboru, pardon of ----------- Sumi, Sachio Bill, pardon of ----------- Sumida, Ken Kenroku, pardon of------ Sumida, Robert Masashi, pardon of ---- Sumner, John Duncan, payment to------ Sumner County Colored Fair Association, Gallatin, Tenn., payment to------- Sundstrom, Carl W., payment to ------- Page 1402 1460 1408 1460 1342 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1300 1460 1300 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1429 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1372 1460 1460 1460 1654 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1314 1412 1347 CXCV