Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/400

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TREATIES Official texts. 59 Stat. 1052 Article 7 Notwithstanding anything con- tained in any of the Conventions adopted by the Conference in the course of its first twenty-eight sessions, the ratification of this Convention by a Member shall not, ipso jure, involve the denun- ciation of any such Convention, nor shall the entry into force of this Convention close any such Convention to further ratification. Article 8 1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides- Convention and the date of its own ratification. Article 6 On the first coming into force of this Convention the Director- General of the International La- bour Office shall cause official texts of the Conventions adopted by the Conference in the course of its first twenty-eight sessions as modified by the provisions of this Convention to be prepared in two original copies, duly authenti- cated by his signature, one of which shall be deposited in the archives of the International La- bour Office and one of which shall be communicated to the Secretary- General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations; the Director- General shall communicate certi- fied copies of these texts to each of the Members of the Organisa- tion. Article 7 Nonobstant toute disposition figurant dans une des conventions adoptees par la Conference au cours de ses vingt-huit premieres sessions, la ratification de la pre- sente convention par un Membre n'entratnera pas de plein droit la denonciation d'une quelconque desdites conventions, et l'entree en vigueur de la pr4sente convention n'aura pas pour effet de fermer aucune desdites conventions a de nouvelles ratifications. Article 8 1. Au cas oiu la Conference adop- terait une nouvelle convention portant revision totale ou par- tielle de la presente convention et a moins que la nouvelle conven- tion n'en dispose autrement: pris entre la premiere entree en vigueur de la convention et la date de sa propre ratification. Article 6 Des l'entree en vigueur initiale de la pr6sente convention, le Di- recteur general du Bureau inter- national du Travail fera 6tablir des textes officiels des conventions adoptees par la Conference au cours de ses vingt-huit premieres sessions, telles qu'elles ont 6et modifiees par les dispositions de la presente convention, en deux ex- emplaires originaux, diment sign6s par lui, dont 'un sera depose aux archives du Bureau international du Travail et l'autre entre les mains du Secrdtaire general des Nations Unies pour enregistre- ment conformement A I'article 102 de la Charte des Nations Unies; le Directeur g6neral communique- ra des copies certifiees conformes de ces textes A chacun des Mem- bres de l'Organisation. Status of prior Con- ventions. New revising Con- vention. 1678 [62 STAT.